[RELEASE] Home Assistant Device Bridge (HADB)

Hi @SmartHomePrimer

Wonder of wonders... today everything just worked! HA allowed me to add Jason's integration. The only puzzle I had was "what is the Maker Api app id?" I found it in the address strings (shown above) in the HE Maker API app. Cool!

Now I can get to work on a preliminary automation. (Solar panels are not here yet.)

Thank you so much! :smiley:


New to home assistant (tried years ago, got corrupt sd card early on multiple times with decent sd cards, decided hubitat was for me and still is). However had no choice to look at it again for roborock integration.. So had hoped this driver may bridge the roborock sensor values to hubitat so I could use rule machine rather than playing with yaml files again...

So this driver is a God send and is partially working for me so thanks. I've also got the hubitat add on in home assistant so can trigger scripts in home assistant yaym

Seems the sensor.roborock... entities from home assistant are not being populated as child devices in hubitat though. They are shown in the list when I setup the bridge. Is this because they aren't valid devices? I'm seeing some switches who's states have changed a child devices. The values of the roborock I'm looking at a numeric values eg last clean area and hope to use them in rule machine rather than in home assistant automations.

Please see this section in the first post.

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Thanks. I'm using a vm on a pc I always have on this time

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Me bad. I read all the way to the paragraph jus before it I swear.. I'll go grab those logs next time it cleans.

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DO I do the request here or github? I couldn't see where to post the logs and don't want to unnecessarily fill this forum if its not the right place

PM to @tomw and @ymerj is probably the best bet. They will tell you if they prefer different. They’ll also give you the bad news if it’s not going to be possible. The Driver/app is really helpful, but not the right choice in every situation.


Thanks. I have done that now. I am hoping that due to all sensor values are showing in the logs, so that may be a good start :slightly_smiling_face:

Just a heads up that I have been able to bring in an Aqara FP1 sensor via Home Assistant Device Bridge. Since an Occupancy sensor is not explicitly stated as being supported by this app I created a helper group which combines a couple of motion sensors with FP1 and showed the newly created group device as a Presence sensor via the advanced device settings in Home Assistant. I then brought in the device via Home Assistant Device Bridge and it is reporting Present/Not Present very quickly and accurately. The grouped device is better than the FP1 itself since the FP1 is slower than a motion sensor to pick up the initial motion.

Here is a step by step guide on creating a helper group with the FP1 sensor:

Edit: I changed the device type from Presence sensor to Motion Sensor in Home Assistant Device settings. This allows me to use the newly created device in Motion and Mode Lighting Apps and suits my needs better.


Did you have to update your USB Zigbee stick firmware in order to get FP1 working with z2m ?

I didn't update the firmware of my zigbee stick. I am using the Nortek combo stick.

I use ZHA which supports the FP1 starting in 2022.7.

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Thanks to @tomw for his pm. I agree that my device is too device specific so a driver for my device specifically is not viable, so will look into being creative into getting the device to be also represented as something more else in home assistant. Is there any device this group suggests I look at changing my device to? It's a numeric value in home assistant, than the bridge then imports as an integer just as a different type of device? Values between 0 and 100 are likely so I guess I should see if dimmers are brought into hubitat with the bridge? I'd prefer to use a device that has integers above 100 but I guess I can also just convert in home assistant.

If you have any guidence on how I'd do this in home assistant then even better, although I'm not afraid to do some learning so don't expect too much in this.

Excuse my use of terms, as I need much more experience in home assistant to use the right terms :wink:

Edit: Seems pressure and illuminance devices will be imported? So I need to see how/if I can convert a sensor value from my roborock to be represented as a pressure sensor.. Hmm is that potentially a difficult process? Easy in hubitat with the use of virtual devices, and variables... But in home assistant hmm.

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@SmartHomePrimer always has a clever idea when it comes to something like this.

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I'm now looking at templates and editing yaml files potentially.. On the surface it seems not too daunting but I'm still not there yet. So throwing it out here before I invest too much time into the wrong path.

Can you post a screenshot of the device entries and which ones you’re missing? What your intended use for them is, would also be helpful.

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Device entries, as in the logs of the parent device? Or you mean the device page when in home assistant (they have yet to be a device in hubitat)

Here are the device entities.

Plus the device page so the values are shown for each

Immediately I'm hoping for the status of roborock.vaccum.a27 so I can determine if it has docked (trigger) which is a string value unfortunately. potentially I look into how to crate a dummy variable (whatever they are called in home assistant) certain strings to a certain value of integer? And the other I am immediately interested in is "roborock.vacuum.a27 Last Clean Area" which is a integer

Sorry I forgot to mention what I hope to do. Every time the roborock status goes from cleaning to docked I want to add the value of the last clean to a variable. Then when that accumulative cleaning area is greater than 300 I'll send the vacuum to a location on the map which is near the bin. Also every Saturday send it to another location so I can put the mop on.

So I hope to use hubitat to determine the status change to docked, grab the last clean area and assign it to a hub variable. Then do the if statement in hubitat, which then changes the state of a hubitat switch, which triggers an automation in home assistant (which I have working with the hubutat integration in home assistant already) to run the script to send the vacuum to a point (a home assistant script I have working already).

I just prefered to do most in hubitat rather than in home assistant. I like rule machine in hubitat and would prefer to maintain hubitat and keep minimal in home assistant except where hubutat can't do it

Where hubitat can't do things is beinf able to control the roborock/xiaomi robot vacuum as I don't have the xiaomi mi connector or hub for hubitat to control the roborock itself... Although perhaps that's another option but my installation is home assistant operating system so I guess to use mi connector I'd need to change to a different operating system on my virtual machine)