[RELEASE] Hikvision Intercom w/ Door Lock

I recently migrated to Hubitat and felt the lack of something basic: the ability to unlock my door using my Hikvision video doorbell, so I developed this driver and the driver+app to enable that.

These drivers/apps leverage the ISAPI functionality to send the open command, which triggers the relay, allowing the door to unlock. Functions such as opening time should be configured directly on the doorbell.

Not all Hikvision video doorbells may have ISAPI, so I can't guarantee compatibility.

Driver+app and driver only version
Driver+app version was based on matthewpetro garage door app, which I modified to be directly compatible with the Hikvision.

With the driver+app, you can use a contact sensor to report closed/open status to locker on HomeKit, Alexa, etc. If this doesn't interest you and you just want to unlock your lock (without status), there's a "light" version that's just a driver with the ability to send the open command via HTTP POST.

I'm not a developer, just a smart home and Hubitat enthusiast, so I'm open to suggestions and help :smiley:

:white_check_mark: Tested Models:

  • DS-KV6113-WPE1(B);

Another video intercom from Hikvision w/ ISAPi may works.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Install (driver+app version):

  1. On Hubitat, open App Code > + New app > Import and past the following URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VCTGomes/Hikvision-with-Status-to-Hubitat/main/hik-door-app.groovy
  2. Now we need the driver, which similar. Go to Drive Code > + New drive > Import > past the following URL and save it

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Configure (driver+app version):

  1. Go to Apps page > + Add user app > press on Hikvision with Status
  2. Type the IP from Intercom, its password and select a contact sensor to deliver close/open status.
  3. On the devices page, there should be a device named "Hikvision Locker."

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Install (driver only version):

  1. Now we need the driver, which similar. Go to Drive Code > + New drive > Import > past the following URL and save it

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Configure (driver only version):

  1. On Hubitat, go to the Devices page and click "+ Add device."
  2. On the "Add devices" page, select "Virtual."
  3. Under "Select device type," choose the driver "Hikvision Door Control."
  4. Provide a name and assign it to a room.

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