[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

Sure I can add support for this. Would you be able to send a device log that has these Life360 HE devices included? (you'd have to add them to MakerAPI). I can support them - just need to understand what the device JSON data looks like. I can also try it out myself but this would be faster

I tried dragging" them within a folder but can't figure out how to place them. That would be the easiest way, just to keep it simple.

I figured it out, had to open folder than "edit"

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When I first implemented Blink camera support I saw all of these devices created by the Blink driver (3 cameras, 1 network module, 1 api device). I was hoping to only see 3 devices - just the cameras and wanted to be able to do all of the actions (arm/disarm or enable/disable) from these camera tiles. I initially even hid the API and network module by default but I think now I'm just not including them in MakerAPI.

So, I can see how the API and network modules might not look right or stay in sync. I'll re-add these devices to MakerAPI and see if I can reproduce the issues described and fix them.

the mini icon displayed on the unstacked folder view only shows the disarmed version of the individual camera icon, even when the actual tile in the folder shows the 'Armed' version and there there doesn't appear to be a way to set different icons for armed/disarmed states

I'll add my cameras to a folder and test that too

Thanks. Right now both the API and network tiles are fully functional in the app; the API seems to be useful for a global enable/disable of all the sync modules & cameras associated with the email address; the network ones are good for disabling the groups of cameras associated with their respective sync module (somehow every time I bought a Blink camera it also came with a sync module). It's just their bottom text always reads Disarmed, regardless of the state the app has just set them to.

version 1.0.786 (beta)

The tricky part for me is dealing with on/off times that overlapped or if the off time was before the on time (ie: 10 PM - 1 AM).. I think I've got it but I could use some help testing to be sure. If it's not behaving correctly with this version, can you send me a log? I am logging both on/off times as well as when I'm setting the system alarm to wake up the device.

This is fixed.. the multi sensor device type should show up if a device supports 2 or more attributes that this device type can display.. mostly sensor types.

Originally with that Blink driver the only way to arm the whole 'network' was to use the network device or the API device. But, today you should be able to 'arm' any camera and all of the other cameras on the network will also arm.. I think that's just how Blink works (all or nothing arming)

Then, there's enabling or disabling cameras.. that only has any effect when the network is armed. So, really any given camera is 'active' if the network is armed and the camera is enabled.. I thought that was super confusing and I wanted to simplify things somewhat.. that's why I'm only showing the 'armed' camera image if the network is armed and the camera is enabled.. otherwise, I use the disarmed camera image.

I should verify all of this -- I tend to have my cameras just auto-arm when I leave the house and at night and disarm in the morning.. so, I never really see them in the armed state

Looks like I have more fiddling to do on the Blink / HE side.. My api device is logging "Unauthorized. Please perform Authorization and try Disarm System again" and a similar message when I try arming. Oh well... it worked great for 18 hours LOL.

Edit: Had to hit the 'Authorize' button on the Blink API Device in HE and all is well again.

@jpage4500 I see tall tiles mentioned many times throughout the thread.
What are they, and how do you add them?

At the moment they're only available for a few device types like buttons, images and videos. I wanted to make sure the layout looked good for any device in either a 1x2 or 2x2 size tile (w/h). If there's a tile that you think makes sense in a taller format let me know and I can support it

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I wanted to mention a few posts that mention Life360.. I haven't used it personally yet but it sounds like a popular way to handle presence for multiple devices. Right now I'm just using the HE Android app with a geofence around my house as a way to detect me being home or away.

Anyway, I started working on support Life360 in the app and wanted to put out some early screenshots.. My daughter has a Gizmo watch and I really liked how in the Gizmo app it showed where she was on a map. So, I found a Google Maps API to get an image for a given location and used that to fill the tile.

I like that avatar image too so I put that in the bottom-left corner.. and next is adding in any additional text fields. I'm hoping to keep them to a bare minimum so they won't cover up the map.. but, maybe more can be displayed the larger the tile is.. Finally, when clicked I can display everything full-screen.

2x2 tile:

1x2 tile:

1x1 tile:


Very nice! I can't wait to try it. This is something I will use daily.

I assume this needs the Life360 Tracker and Status apps on HE.

I have accidentally changed thermostat device to switch and can't change device type back to thermostat. I have tried to hide and unhide that device. Tried to remove it from MakerAPI and add it back. But unfortunately nothing helped.
What can I do in this case?

I was just wondering that.. I tried adding the Status app but wasn't able to get it fully setup (I asked a question in that thread). I wasn't sure if I also needed the Tracker app as well. I also see there's a built-in Life360 app but that just displays presence if I'm reading right

I would have thought removing it from MakerAPI would remove it & it's configuration but I guess not.. something I'll fix. I'll also make sure you can change back to thermostat as well.

In the meantime, logging out of the app will clear all settings. The only way I can think of resetting it without logging out is to export your settings from the app (nav -> more -> export) and then edit that file (I use google drive so I can edit it on a laptop). Find your device and change TYPE_SWITCH to TYPE_THEROMOSTAT.. Then, import the updated file. That should do it.

Seems to be working now. Thanks again for making these changes.

@jpage4500 Just wondering if you've given any further thought to having the tablet make a beeping noise whenever an alarm contact in a given folder is triggered?

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Or to play a sound (pick local file or beep) when motion or contact is detected in any tile. That would be neat.

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I'd suggest anyone using the Life360 app go find their opt-out page and opt-out.

It's been reported (tin foil hat time) that they sell your movement data (meaning speed, acceleration, etc.) to insurance carriers and that may include your auto insurance carrier. No guarantee that they can't still supply your data, but it's worth trying.

Thank you. That helped.