This is a really nice app, thanks for the hard work!!!
Is there any way to add icons to it?
The icons i would love is a landscape light, a recessed light, a wall mounted fixture and a hanging lamp (from the ceiling). Most of my automated lights are recessed LED lights and landscape lights.
agreed. The ones i use today except the door locks have on/off versions which i really like.
I got the garage door open icon right, but the regular door open has only a single icon.
Whoa! I decided to unhide a single device so I went into the More Settings...Reset Preferences...Reset Hidden Devices expecting to see them listed and found that it's all or nothing. @jpage4500, would you please make them individually selectable? Especially because
When I did the restore EVERY item that is in a folder showed up on the top level. They are still in their respective folder as well.
And now for some good news...when I copied the config from my other device all the folder contents are in the correct folder, whereas before the folder titles got shuffled. Thanks!
OK. First thing - I love the app!!
I am using it more and more as my primary dashboard, both on tablet and phone.
One request (annoyance): the app header, that appears and then goes away. Can we make it not appear at all? It appears, you go to select something, then last second it all shifts and you have clicked the wrong button.
Small pain point.
Someone else just mentioned that and it's not necessary anyway when not in edit mode -- my only reason for showing it was to indicate there was a navigation drawer on the left side. I'm working on an alternative which won't need the action bar.
Like someone else mentioned you can enter the URL directly.. not the fastest way but functional. Another option is to export your config file and edit it on your computer and then re-import it. It's more complex but if you've got lots of icons to add that would be faster.
The search box today searches If there's other good free icon sites I can try to add support for them as well.
The last option which I can think of is maybe allowing you to browse the files on your device. Still requires getting the images on your device but it would be easy to select them
Pretty small changes with this one - the action bar isn't displayed anymore unless you put the app into edit mode. I did want to make sure users knew about the nav drawer so I'm 'bouncing' it when the app is first opened.. hopefully not too annoying and I might limit it in the future so it only happens a few times and never again.
I did make it possible to now select individual devices to un-hide
It seems as though the ability to toggle the display off and on is not working. I've got this tablet set up to turn on and off in the morning, then back on again late afternoon. However, the display is not coming on in the morning, just in the afternoon. Here's how it's set up:
I'll take a look.. I did happen to notice 1 of my tablets was on in the middle of the night yesterday so I was wondering if the update was the reason (I never added a 2nd time either)
I'm unable to login to my Hubitat. I know i have the IP address correct. I've installed the Maker API app, ensured that Allow Access via Local IP Address is on, I clicked on Create New access Token and selected all of my devices except for any presence sensors. When I click on Login on the App I get an Access Token not found screen. I clicked on Advanced and manually entered in the token but I still get the same error. When I check the logs I get a line that says token exists and then a lot of info related to Life360 (not sure why if I didn't select the presence sensors. Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong?
Having an issue. I'v had the Hubitat Dashboard running on my tablet for couple months with out any issues. Yesterday it crashed. I uninstalled the app, reinstalled and all I get is a white screen. I can not get app to load anymore.
Anyone else having this issue? How can I fix this?