I think this is the same issue as the backup/restore from Hub and I was able to reproduce it today. Bottom line is the newer Hub firmware used a slightly different title from what HD+ was looking for (<title>Login</title>)
I'll push out a fix here shortly if you want to try it out
You can now interact with HTML tiles on the main dashboard. To enable this, open the Edit screen and change the 'Click Action' to 'Toggle'. Note that this setting was intended to toggle lights and other devices without a prompt so the wording isn't super obvious.
The other big change is fixing showing the Login dialog when trying to access the Hub when you have 'Hub Security' enabled. For example, backup/restore from the Hub.
Exciting! Forgive me but to be clear, we're talking about @garyjmilne Tile Builder / Grid tiles? they have their own 'special' type... so I'm just a tad concerned I didn't communicate well...
Sorry, I got stuck a couple of times trying to do this one. I have an idea how to do it but it just got tricky and I wanted to make sure I didn't break anything either. I haven't forgotten about it though!
I added more values to the slider. Also, if you click on the "Timer" setting you can enter a custom value (it's in seconds.. not sure if minutes or hours would make more sense so I can change that if so)
I added an extra option to the Auto Return Home setting - "Return to main screen" (enabled by default). If disabled, when the idle time hits only open dialogs will be closed -- you'll still be in the same folder you were in before
I have a very odd and random bug. This one may be too obscure to fix, but who knows.
On a Google TV device, if I select About-Check for updates, and it finds an update -
IF the list of fixes is long enough to require scrolling, I can't get to the OK button. If the list of fixes is short enough to not require scrolling, I can select OK and install the update. When I encounter this bug, I have to go to your site, download the latest version, move it to my Google TV and install it that way. I understand this may be too limited for you to spend time on, but maybe it winds up being a simple fix.
Installed the following app and video came right up no problem, copied the RTSP link directly from HD+.
The app I linked to is the RTSP library I'm using in HD+ so I figured if the video doesn't work or has issues in there it's not going to work with HD+ either -- at least not that "RTSP" driver. Exoplayer is the other driver I'm using.. I found this test app on google play but haven't tried it myself
I only have 2 RTSP cameras (Reolink) and they work well with the RTSP driver. It's hard to debug video issues generally but I'll try to help if I can
I am going to add an option to show a custom background for Humidity tiles - do you have an opinion what values+colors to use? I found this one to try it out:
adding my 2c - Humidity color scales have been around for a long time - a common use is museum displays amongst many others.
I've used this card in the past:
of course, colors are subjective so ... doubtful you'll get 100% agreement but I like the variations!
No dry and arid 1% red makes sense and wet and fertile at 100% blue. It wouldn't be logical the other way around.
Green being the ideal it seems would allow sit right.
I did a google image search for humidity scale and got a lot more results looking like the one below. I think my original search was for a 'humidity color range' or something like that.. what I used came from this.
I know there will never be 100% agreement on just about anything - I was just looking for some reasonable defaults to start with. I'll try to come up with a way to customize it
Last note -- I wasn't going to enable this background by default so it wouldn't affect any existing humidity tiles anyway.
Thanks for the feature improvements and for considering the customizable tiles!
I have one more example where it would be useful: My mini weather station reports the real temperature with an attribute named temperature, but it also reports the feels like temperature, which is the one I'd like to be displayed, but the attribute is named heatIndex, and it is not possible to change it.
One possible issue I've noticed lately
I have a bunch of contact sensors, they are initially populated on HD+ with device type "Water Sensor", so I have to change all of them to "Door" and "Window", on 6 tablets and 3 phones. But something is making them go back to water sensor types, I believe it happens when HD+ gets a new version, but not every new version.
Apart from the possible bug, it would be great if they could be populated as "Door" and "Window" types in case they have one of those words in their names.