[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

version 1.0.2578 (beta)

  • support "<br" for HTML device type
  • fix direct entry of shade value from sending a command
  • fix calendar ignoring events without an end date

It's been too long since my last update. I had a couple of outstanding fixes in this one and wanted to get it pushed while I had time.


I'm not sure about the screensaver part, but my tiles have stopped updating as well. If I open the tile it updates as expected and if I view the source url the source is updating properly. It's almost as if the image on the dashboard is cached. I'll have to check whether the screen saver is what causes it to stop refreshing.

Thanks - glad I'm not the only one! I disabled the HD+ screensaver option for a while and the images continue to refresh correctly. Even if I turn off/on the tablet display with the tablet's power button or use the built-in Android screen saver, the images still seem to refresh. Strange.

Sorry I haven't had much time to look into this but I'll see if I can reproduce it. Seems like it must be something small but nothing stands out right now

Absolutely no problem! I really appreciate your ongoing support of this incredible app! Anyone who visits is always impressed with the automation tablet mounted on the wall in our kitchen.

RE: screensaver & image refresh

I tried to reproduce this just now and can't so I might need a little more help. What device & OS are you using? I just tested on a Pixel 7, OS14. Also, what kind of image tile & refresh rate are you using? Last question.. do you need to let the screen saver display for a while before waking up the app or does this happen every time? I just waited a minute or so before waking up the app.

I can at least think of some ways this could be happening.. when the screen saver is displayed it pushes the main dashboard to the background which pauses all of the refresh timers. Then, when it's hidden and the dashboard is re-displayed the timers should all resume again. I have seen the events which Android sends come out of order on different devices though so that's at least something I can try to narrow it down

I'm using an inexpensive MESWAO MES-B1 14" tablet running Android 12 kernal 4.19.191.

I'm using the standard image tile with a 2 second refresh rate.

Just tested waking from the screensaver after only a couple seconds with same results. If I open 1 of the 3 image tiles and change the cropping back and forth, all the image tiles suddenly start refreshing again. It's like they need to be redrawn or something.


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BTW. Just tested on my Pixel 5 running Android 14. Works perfectly. Must be an Android 12 issue.

Probably not worth spending a bunch more time on.... I'm sure I'll be replacing the tablet within the year since it is so cheap. I'll be sure to get a new one with the latest Android version.

@jpage4500 no idea why but one of my locations devices just refuses to work on the cloud. So it works when they are home but as soon as they are out and about the events stop.

Any ideas? I have checked all the obvious things and can't see what's wrong.

I run HD+ on a couple of really cheap Fire tablets and the goal is to be able to run on as much as possible. I'll try on a Fire 7" tablet and hopefully can reproduce it

My tablet is a Lenovo M8 tablet running Android 13. I can reliably duplicate the issue by triggering the screensaver test. Changing the tile size does bring it back. My refresh setting is 1 second.

I can reliably duplicate on my Lenovo Tab M8 running Android 13. Unfortunately, Lenovo isn't going to release a version 14 update for that tablet even though it is a 2024 model. :frowning:

Running this on a Fire Tablet 10" and after a little bit of configuration, this app is absolutely phenomenal. Simple UI, more than enough customization, better handling of security cams than the native Hubitat dash, and seems to be more responsive/ have less delay than the native dash as well. Great work!

I am however having an issue with folder title/ underline refreshing.
I searched through this thread, but admittedly didn't read every post.

Any thoughts?

I've seen this myself too. I know why it happens but it's been tricky to fix - I'll take a look when I get a chance

must be the 2 devices created from the app however, i have checked and they are different.

I am also using Fire 10HD 2019 tablets, and how did you root yours? What model are they?
I know some can be rooted but not all.

I have used Fire Toolbox to disable alot of amazon apps and disable some of the settings, but it is not rooting, which I could really use!

And BTW, of course they are running HD+! What else......

version 1.0.2585 (beta)

  • fix views that overlap with device names
  • support for Remote Builder device type

In this version I tried to fix a few different issues similar to this one -- where the tile contents overlap with the device name. No promises it'll work on every device since this is a tricky one -- but it's working on my device and I'll make sure to keep an eye on it over time too.

The other change is a minor one to better support Remote Builder app


The play store hasn't yet propagated - it's only been hours since your post - will check again this evening.

I get an email when it's live. Looking back through old emails it can take from 1 to 3 days from submission until live


yea - thats been my experience - having been right there with you for so long! generally, 1 day is about my average - I do recall a few times where you got push back from da google for various reasons - no doubt today's tweaks won't be any big deal to them - just to me! :joy: