[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I was wondering if a combination of TTS and vibration would be a good solution. I have to play around with it in the field. I was asking my self yesterday if it's possible to adjust the volume for TTS. I use it with webCoRE and it's working fine so far.

One question. Is it possible to control which phone gets a TTS or notification? Would be great to control this on a phone by phone basis.
Not sure if this is possible.

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Definitely possible with webcore. I do it often.

Also in combination with the new HD+ TTS and notification functionality? I know it works with the native Hubitat function.

If you already set it up with HD+ would be nice to get some informations about the settings.

Nope. Sorry, not with the new HD+. Why would I need to if webcore works well? :blush:

Has nothing to do with webCoRE. With the HD+ solution you can send TTS to the phone, which is, as far as I know, not possible with Hubitat on-board resources. And it gives you the opportunity to send notifications and speach to the phone without installing the Hubitat app. Maybe a good way for kids phones.

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But my wife uses an iPhone :disappointed:

That's sad to hear


The driver is meant to represent a single mobile device - just like the mobile device that's created when you install the native Hubitat app. Obviously the native app is easier to setup because that's all done for you -- and no need for MakerAPI either.

You can create as many virtual "HD+ Device" devices as you need though and just connect each one to MakerAPI and then to the phone you want to receive notifications/TTS

At some point I might try to create an app that would manage everything. But, that's a lot to do so this is the next best option I could think of

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@jpage4500 The approach is totally fine for me. Perosnally, I like to tinker a bit :slight_smile:

Just struggling with one point and haven't tried out due to the fact that the app hasn't been updated in Play Store.

If I create three different "HD+ Device" devices and I connect each one to MakerAPI. All "HD+ Device" devices will be shown on each phone. Is this controlled by the setting "Support Notifications" on each phone that only the right one gets the right notification or plays the TTS message?

Hopefully that's understandable, what I'm asking or meaning.

Yeah, they will all show up on every device since they're all added to MakerAPI. You can only enable the 'support notifications' on one of them though. When you enable that 'support notifications' setting HD+ will send it's client key, which is unique to that device, to the device driver. From that point on that's how it's able to push notifications out directly to your device.

You can hide the others if you don't want to see them on every device.

Also, I intentionally don't backup this setting to a config file because I know some people use 1 config for multiple devices. I haven't figured out a great way to backup and restore this setting yet since it really can only apply to a single device

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Actually I did not consider this until the Op mentioned it. If I understood this correctly.. Just create a MakerAPI for each phone. Then only select all the devices as you did in the original MakerAPI profile, only leave the drivers out for the other phones. This will hide the other phones from the phones that they do not apply to. I mean it is a little more work. But it gets the job done.

Not quite sure that's what he meant.

Create as many devices as you want on one phone claim a device and hide the rest.

On the next phone claim another device and hide the rest and so on. Each phone can only have one device but that's not to say the connection (maker API) can't have more.

Thanks Joe!

Hi @jpage4500 I'm noticing that the location JSON data is not changing the charging/not charging (the 'p' variable). I checked the incoming message and the 'p' is definitely 1. All our phones are always charging. Certainly not a big deal, whenever you get a moment can you take a look?

Other than that it's been working great! Thanks again.

@wecoyote5 to be honest I'm not sure if I understand your post right. Is there a way to check with HD+ if the phone is currently charging or not?
I'm firing some webCoRE pistons depending on phone is getting charged or not. Currently I use Tasker for that. Would be awesome to realize that with HD+ too.

I think I tried this with HD+ in the past using data from Life360. But at that point the status change didn't work for me in a timely manner.

Hi @jb1, that information (if/when Joe has a moment to look to see why it's not working currently) is included with the HD+ location feature and the MyLocation driver, among some other data. You can see all the available information here... GitHub - wecoyote5/hubitat-MyProjects: My Hubitat drivers

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This app get's more and more a key function. I had no time to setup the location feature yet. But will do it now. Thanks to you for the location driver.

@wecoyote5 I just set up the location feature. Seems to work so far. Didn't played with everything. But looks good. One question. Can I change the icon of the virtual location device away from the map to an icon or would this break anything? I don't want to change device type away from location tracking.

You're welcome, but thank @jpage4500, he did 99% of the heavy lifting on that feature.

If i understand your other question, the map icon, i think, is a function of the tile. Joe would know better if it can be changed. But each person does get a different color.

I looked into this. Older versions of Android made it tricky to detect the charging status, but if you have Android 6 or greater it's easy (link). I'll add support for this