[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I love the new folder look! It has a very consistent look now.

I'm not getting the "condition_text" on my tile (double-wide). I do get the temp, followed by the 3 day. I checked the device and it is pulling it. I also have "Display condition_text" checked. I noticed it is showing up on yours.

This worked for me.


Thanks, but I tried that and double checked it. I also did a Full Refresh. In the HE hub device it shows the icon with the text below it. But on my phone it only shows the temperature.

I tried to uncheck all weather options except for the following to make sure only the necessary options were checked:
image image

That should result in the following attributes being returned:

    "attributes" : 
        "condition_icon_url2" : "https://tinyurl.com/y6xrbhpf/11.png",
        "condition_icon_url1" : "https://tinyurl.com/y6xrbhpf/26.png",
        "condition_icon_url" : "https://tinyurl.com/y6xrbhpf/29.png",
        "forecastHigh" : "77",
        "forecastHigh+1" : "73",
        "forecastHigh+2" : "77",

On the side of random chance, here's everything that I have turned on. I went a little click-happy looking at the stuff on the device page. But it does result in getting the same display as @jpage4500. :wink:

I sent you an email with a screenshot and log file.

You know, you're going to need to update your OP pics. Things have gotten cooler since you released... :wink:

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I see.. the current condition text comes from the weather field which is returned if you check the "sharptools" or "smarttiles" options. That's coming from the driver itself at least. That's the same attribute that the built-in weather device uses too for a brief condition description ("Clear sky")


Looking at the weather tile now there's a few tweaks I'd like to make.. also, I did try to put the city name in the tile but it got a little complicated. I was going to remove the "Today" text and center the city name between the first 2 columns (there's 4 evenly spaced columns on this tile). It didn't matter to me but I suppose if you have multiple weather devices it'd be important.

That fixed it. I was mostly just wanting to balance the look of that tile a little. If you decide not to include it in the future it wouldn't bother me.

Regarding the city, perhaps you can give it a tile name option and display that above the temp? People can leave it blank if they wish. That way we can make it what we want (since it won't change based on GPS).

Have you given thought about including the current condition icon behind the temp? Also, perhaps also include the humidity below the temp and make the two look like the "Multiple Value Sensor" with the little graphics to the left. That would help with the consistent look. (I'm just thinking out loud).

This is how it looks on my phone (I plan to post one from my car head unit soon as it is very useful from there and looks really nice)


:point_up: Looks good!

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This is from my car's Android head unit (stereo). Very functional and looks nice. Basically a built in tablet on wheels.

Keep in mind that you can do the same thing with most any Android tablet, just take it with you when you hit the road.


love it!

How do you do the maps?


I just noticed that the standard date/time tile has stopped updating regularly on v478. It catches up sporadically though.

You're right - I see that too. I'll get it fixed

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And according to your track record it'll be done before I can post this! You continue to amaze.


The satellite images are already in the app. Just add a "Image/URL" tile and click on Example URLs (I shared these with Joe a while back). The weather radar can be added as an Image/URL tile as follows.

For Weather Radar and radar stations see the following thread

The radar image that I use is from the Weather Underground (the link above used weather.gov), I think it looks nicer. Use the same list of weather stations in the Hubitat thread above and replace the "MPX" below with your station. The dashboard will refresh this as often as you set it (using the "Image/URL" tile), I use 600 for 10 minute:


(I've simplified the URL above to make editing easier. This also animates the radar; if you want it static change the "num=20" to "num=0")


Excellent. Thanks for the detailed info, tiles set up and beautiful, and wife was pretty amazed. I'm like a magician. :wink:

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I've simplified the URL above. The new URL also makes it animated.

Yea, my wife thinks I have the most powerful car stereo on the planet :smiley: Nothing better than great WAF/S(pouse)AF! We were late getting home tonight and she turned more lights on in the house so our little dog wouldn't be scared!

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Weather tile working great!!

I just thought about a great feature: wouldnt it be useful to have some sort of "calender-tile"? So a tile that shows current or upcoming events that one has put in a calender?

Just wondering what you guys think.