[RELEASE] GoControl Garage Door Opener

it is 12 saec i belive no way to change it.

Bummer :-(. I have ordered Ratgdo, guess will have to wait till I receive it. I was hoping to be able to control it on Gocontrol so I don't have to keep 2 controller but I guess for now I'll need to use both

I haven’t specifically checked, but I expect the behavior is required for UL compliance. Just like the lockout.

When I open the garage from outside, 99 times out of 100 I am in my car using the car opener button as I approach the house. When coming back from a walk, I have Siri open it well before I am within 12 second of the door.
When opening from the inside, I either use the opener’s button or use the 12 seconds getting in the car and buckled up.
How often do you “stand outside and wait for the door to open”? Just curious.

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Not sure, if that would be a compliance issue since you can use the wall-switch to open/close without any delay,

you could wire up a separate relay that goes to your in garage switch.. there would be no delay then.

Yeah, I guess it depends on use cases. I use automation to open/close garage door based on my Tesla Location. I don't have to press any button or call for a command. I am using this code to define pretty tight geo-fences around my house

brchri/tesla-geogdo: A lightweight app that will operate your smart garage door openers (GDOs) based on the location of your Tesla vehicles, automatically closing when you leave, and opening when you return. Supports multiple vehicles, geofence types, and smart GDO devices. (github.com)

I use MakersAPI to send get commands to close garage door when my Tesla leaves the geofence 1 (which is just about my garage area) and open when I enter into Geofence 2 (when I am about 10-15 ft away and door is visible to me). In both cases, I have to wait outside to make sure door gets closed/opened due to the 12 sec or so delay.

BTW thanks to the developer of this code, this is much more powerful tool to substitute MyQ-Tesla subscription and now that MyQ API is restricted with MakersAPI almost any garage door can be automated for Tesla.

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Yeah, that's why I have ordered Ratgdo. Ordered on 10/28 still waiting. I am assuming that will take care of delays. Thanks.

Yes. The reason is that the wall switch has to be mounted within view of the device it operates. This is required by building codes.

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Ah, That makes sense. Thanks.