[Release] Generic Zigbee Drivers with Presence and Recovery

That sounds likely, it may be enough with a bind setting, but since I don't have the device it's hard to know for sure.

Is there anyway to query a connected device to see what commands it will accept / current state etc?

Hi Markus, thanks for your great work with the Aqara drivers! I purchased HE couple weeks ago because it had your drivers supporting Aqara devices. I have around 30 of them already!

Since I am new to HE I am still in learning mode even for its basics. I tried to speed learnig by reading this forum. Thanks to all but mostly you sir! :slight_smile:

Since I have a couple of wall switches QBKG12LM and relay switches LLKZMK11LM I noticed messages in its logs with the request to reporting then to the developer.
Here is one for relay switch:
Relay Switch - LLZKMK11LM


• endpointId: 01
• buttonCombos: 1
• application: 24
• driver: v0.8.2.0809b
• model: lumi.relay.c2acn01
• physicalButtons: 2
• manufacturer: LUMI

dev:462020-08-10 15:56:53.472 warnKnown model: lumi.relay.c2acn01 - PLEASE REPORT THIS LOG TO THE DEV - description:catchall: 0104 000A 01 01 0040 00 38A9 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 | parseMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 000A 01 01 0040 00 38A9 00 00 0000 00 00 0000, profileId:0104, clusterId:000A, clusterInt:10, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:38A9, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[00, 00]]
dev:462020-08-10 15:56:48.553 infoSending temperature event (Temperature: 39.0 °C)
dev:462020-08-10 15:56:48.531 warnKnown model: lumi.relay.c2acn01 - PLEASE REPORT THIS LOG TO THE DEV - description:read attr - raw: 38A90100009001FF4244032827052119000727000000000000000008212412092104056410006510006E20006F20009420019539E17A143C9639A186154597390030683B98390049183C9B210000, dni: 38A9, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 90, attrId: FF01, encoding: 42, command: 0A, value: 44032827052119000727000000000000000008212412092104056410006510006E20006F20009420019539E17A143C9639A186154597390030683B98390049183C9B210000 | parseMap:[raw:38A90100009001FF4244032827052119000727000000000000000008212412092104056410006510006E20006F20009420019539E17A143C9639A186154597390030683B98390049183C9B210000, dni:38A9, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:90, attrId:FF01, encoding:41, command:0A, value:[raw:[deviceTemperature:27, RSSI_dB:0019, unknown2:0000000000000000, unknown3:1224, unknown4:0504, openClose:00, switch2:00, unknown10:00, unknown11:00, unknown9420:01, consumption:3B683000, voltage:451586A1, power:3C184900, unknown9:0000], deviceTemperature:39, RSSI_dB:25, unknown2:0, unknown3:4644, unknown4:1284, openClose:false, switch2:false, unknown10:0, unknown11:0, unknown9420:1, consumption:0.0035429, voltage:2392.4143, power:0.009294748, unknown9:0], clusterInt:0, attrInt:65281]
dev:462020-08-10 15:56:48.507 warnPLEASE REPORT TO DEV - The Xiaomi Struct used an unrecognized tag: 0x94 (type: 0x20) (struct: 44032827052119000727000000000000000008212412092104056410006510006E20006F20009420019539E17A143C9639A186154597390030683B98390049183C9B210000)

I can send the log data from QBKG12LM if you want me to, I hope the text format is alright?

  • Marek

Welcome to the community!

Thank you for the kind words! :slight_smile:

QBKG12LM should work 100% and I should have all the data needed for those. If something isn't working as expected I'd be happy to hear about it since I don't have that model!

For the LLZKMK11LM it is mostly working except the disconnection of the buttons. I have one of these on my desk here and I intend to connect and sort it out, just have been a bit hesitant since the first one I got of those emitted a cloud of "magic smoke" :stuck_out_tongue: I only got these to write drivers for them and it is the first Aqara device that this has ever happened to me for, it was probably faulty since I connected it according to the instructions.

Thank you for the logs and they do help in confirming that there are not more versions of the firmware out there :slight_smile:

Again, welcome to the community, I hope you will get as much enjoyment out of it as I do :slight_smile:


Thanks for welcoming me :slight_smile:

I have following models of AQARA devices working under HE:
WSDCGQ11LM, QBKG12LM, LLKZMK11LM, WXKG03LM, DJT11LM, RTCGQ11LM, GZCGQ01LM, WXKG11LM, SJCGQ11LM, MFKZQ01LM. I would be happy to assist in
testing and reporting any of those.

I also have Aqara Zigbee bulb (tunable white) ZNLDP12LM. I have not connected it to HE as I found no driver for it. Do you know it? Any plans for its driver?

I was surprised that the bulb paired with HE anyway and it seems to be working pretty well as a 'Generic Zibgee RGBW Light'. I will monitor it longer. I already successfully moved 23 devices to HE. I like it more and more every day :slight_smile:
Thanks again.

@markus, I see lots of commotion from users who migrate from SmartThings using the Ikea buttons
There are no drivers available
Do you have experience with those buttons?

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I have one of those in a drawer here, I did have plans to see what I could do with it, just never got around to it. I think I've seen that there might be a platform limitation which might prevent a driver from working, but I've not really looked at it. Maybe it's time, I'll see if I can find some free time somewhere. :wink:


I was just going to post for that too. Its detected but for Type it just says DEVICE.
Tried a few obvious ones but none worked.
Just got a hubitat hub but have 10 of these in use and it would be a show stopper for me.
I naively assumed that if it worked in ST that Hubitat would have it.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 22
  • softwareBuild: 2.2.008
  • inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0009,0020,1000,FC7C
  • outClusters: 0003,0004,0006,0008,0019,0102,1000
  • model: TRADFRI on/off switch
  • manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden|
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Did you have any luck with the ikea on off switch ?

Not gotten around to it, I did place it here on my desk so I see it every day, just didn't look at it. Just got some new toys from Aqara so the pile of devices is growing :wink: What I first wanted to do is to see how it is used on the IKEA Gateway, but it seems impossible to sniff that one, any and all other ZB gateways I've done that to is no problem what so ever, that one... Whisper pair is annoying when you want the key is all I have to say. Have you got links to any open source drivers where this is implemented in another platform? I haven't searched around, maybe there's something, language doesn't matter, just something. I do suspect it is pure ZLL and only sends direct to devices and not to a controller, that would make this very hard, if not impossible without support from Hubitat. Once I know more we will know where to go.


I will check.
I know in the start I had a cloud DH but in July last year a builtin one appeared in ST.

If you can get it there great or I can try to see if it can be found somewhere.

Not sure if the ST builtin drivers are on Github or something.

By the way it works 100% to the ST hub and not directly to a bulb. I have them doing several different functions to differnt bulbs and collections of bulbs and sockets.

I've seen that comment frequently, but I'm not sure that it is correct (at least according to Ikea's specs). The plug has a rated output of 14 dBm (see page 6). It probably uses the same chip as the repeater.

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Hi @markus

Could this be helpful?
SmartThingsPublic/devicetypes/smartthings/ikea-button.src/ikea-button.groovy at master · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub

Yes, and now I see why it wouldn't work, it is as I vaguely remembered, it requires group binding, something not supported by Hubitat. This is a feature used to bind actions from one device to events on another without involving the controller. To do this on HE it would require them to add support for this on the platform side first. I looked at some devices in the past that required this, it could not be done then, so unless there has been a platform change that allows this that I don't know of, that would still be the case. :frowning:

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Doesn't certain models of Hubitat use the same Nortek stick as Home Assistant's ZHA? ZHA supports the weird IKEA remotes, so it isn't a hardware issue.

I see.. Thank you @markus for taking the time, even though the answer wasn't what i was looking for..

@markus Digging out some Xiaomi zigbee sockets that I previously abandoned (as there were issues). I paired it up with your Generic Zigbee socket....

COPY AND PASTE THIS ROW TO THE DEVELOPER: fingerprint model:"lumi.plug", manufacturer:"LUMI", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0003,0006,0010,0005,000A,0001,0002", outClusters:"0019,000A", application:"16"

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I have the Xiaomi/Aqara Plug/Outlet driver for that one :slight_smile: I've run a plug with that driver for months now, never dropped, no issues.

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I recently received a Zigbee controller for my RGB CCT/RGBW LED Strip, but the Hubitat RGBW driver doesn’t work properly with it. The Cool White light stays on and the Warm White light never turns on. The driver only seems to allow control of the RGB lights. (And those it does control properly...)

LED Strips Controller RGB CCT/RGBW Zigbee Controller ww/cw and Dimmer Controller Smart Strip Light Controller Work with Amazon Echo Plus for DC12-24V LED Strip Lights (2ID RGB CCT Controller)


@markus, I downloaded the Generic Device Toolbox driver for Zigbee to get its fingerprint to see if a driver could be customized for it. This is the result. Do you think it will be possible for a customer driver to be developed for it? Thanks!

COPY AND PASTE THIS ROW TO THE DEVELOPER: fingerprint model:"GL-C-007", manufacturer:"GLEDOPTO", profileId:"C05E", endpointId:"0B", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0300", outClusters:"", application:"01"

And... In case you need this too:
Simple Descriptor Information Received - description:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 2B63 00 00 0000 00 00 8B00632B160B5EC010020207000003000400050006000800000300 | parseMap:[raw:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 2B63 00 00 0000 00 00 8B00632B160B5EC010020207000003000400050006000800000300, profileId:0000, clusterId:8004, clusterInt:32772, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:2B63, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[8B, 00, 63, 2B, 16, 0B, 5E, C0, 10, 02, 02, 07, 00, 00, 03, 00, 04, 00, 05, 00, 06, 00, 08, 00, 00, 03, 00]]