IKEA Trådfri Outlet

Yes, they do work right out of the box.
However, I personally have found that the radio of the TRADFRI outlet is somewhat weak.
The radio of the basic TRADFRI repeater, on the other hand , is very, very good.
Another good radio is on the Samsung SmartThings outlet: GP-U999SJVLDAA


I can't 100% confirm for the entire lifecylce of the product, but I got a fairly early version, and it worked fine on Hubitat. I do know that there are firmware updates available (and I did one; the only way I know of requires the Trådfri Gateway), but all that gave me was the ability to add it to a Hue Bridge network, so it was presumably some Zigbee 3.0 fix/adjustment.

EDIT: But I'll second the comment above that they seem pretty weak, or at least aren't favored repeaters on my network. The ST Plugs are my devices' favorite, it appears, but the Ikea USB repeater mentioned above is cheaper (than the ST Plug by a lot--not cheaper than the Trådfri Outlet if you're in the US) and might offer you more convenient placement.

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Thanks @bertabcd1234 @jtmpush18.

That's good news. They probably do not even need to be very good repeaters since I had a bunch of Sylvania Smart+ outlets that I stuck onto the ceiling. Ideally, I'd like those to be the repeaters while I just use the outlets for that purpose.

Is there an OK TRADFRI alternative on Amazon? I ordered several TRADFRI outlets/USB plugs to be repeaters after the great reviews here... but that was weeks ago and Ikea won't be shipping them for weeks more. I have zero Zigbee repeaters at the moment and need something.

Well... I have both ikea repeaters and outlets. I see things routing through either type regularly, but do notice them going through the Repeaters more often than the Outlet.

The outlet output power is 14 dBm (max per spec is around 20 dBm), while the Repeater is only 3 dBm per the data sheet... So you would think the outlet would be preferred. :man_shrugging:

I'm thinking of getting a bunch of the GE in-wall zigbee outlets (if they ever go on sale), and get rid of most of my wall wart repeaters. Someday...

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I know @iharyadi's zigbee environmental sensor works really well as a repeater for Xiaomi sensors (and other zigbee devices). Not on Amazon, but you can find it on eBay:


They work really well (you get lux, temp, rel. hum, pressure). Works with SmartThings, Hubitat, and zigbee2mqtt.


Thanks much, looks like a great option.

That's an understatement! My Xbees are suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome, as many of their children have left for the environmental sensor.


The cheapest ones that I've found:

I've only had them in play for a week or so, but they seem to be relatively stable and work well.

Price is good, but they are still so big they block outlets.

But since the output power isn't published/listed there is no way to tell if they are actually better than the less expensive, and known working, Ikea Outlets. :man_shrugging:

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Since I've got a few installed, I'll see if XCTU will give me some insight into how much power these devices have.

I just received two of the outlets today and thanks to the instructions here they paired easily and receive strong signal strength. However I noticed something weird pretty much right off the bat. The switch responds quickly to commands, but it does not appear to report back to the hub. As a result, the hub is stuck trying to figure out what its present state is.

You can see this happening when you click "on" or "off" on the device page. The switch responds immediately but the page doesn't update until you click "refresh." The log does not record the device have been activated. See the screencap of the log below (where I try click on/off/on/off and then again while also click refresh each time).

I tried both outlets, so am sure that this problem is with the product.

This results in a few issues:

  1. Dashboard has hourglass showing, and too many button presses on the dashboard causes it to stop responding.
  2. Google Home reports the outlet as unresponsive (cannot be operated).

This seems like a fairly severe issue - has anyone else noticed this? Is there a workaround?

Try hitting configure again in the device page. I had similar when initially installing Tradfri and that sorted it. Also check it is using the Tradfri driver


Well, f*ck me. That worked immediately. I had to unlink/relink from Google Home but it now works like a charm. I even remembered to power cycle it before I posted, too. Couldn't believe I spent 15 minutes writing it instead of clicking around first.

That was literally the fastest customer support experience I ever had in my life. Thank you so much.


Hi @mike.maxwell

Sorry to revive this old thread, but i was wondering if these IKEA buttons are thrown in the "unusable drawer" for good..?
I'm a soon-to-be HE user (coming from ST), and the On/Off buttons that comes with the Tradfri Outlets, and the Open/Close buttons that comes with the IKEA Zigbee roller blinds, are the last on my current device list that doesn't have the "Works with HE" stamp..

They where made natively supported in ST around a year ago:

But i don't know which tricks they pulled to make it happen..
Just wanted to check in, and please let me know if i could do anything to help get these buttons working in HE.. :slight_smile:

Nope. The staff has made it clear they won't (or if they do it is very low priority).

Many other hubs (smartthings, homeassistant with DeCONZ, ZHA, Ikea hub, Hue hub, etc) have this capability bu not Hubitat.

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Ok. Thanks for the heads up @helene7t7.
I had been searching for this kind of reason and info, but couldn't find it anywhere..

I know it's an old thread, but I thought I would chime in as it seems that I may have found a way to use the steering remote the same way it worked in ST. This issue appears to be the order is backwards between ST and HE for which devices need to be paired first.

I posted the details here: https://community.hubitat.com/t/ikea-color-temperature-bulbs-with-remote-update-solved-it/49536?u=tray_e

Also, @AnubizDK, you might give this a try


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