[RELEASE] Generic Latency Timer

What is this?

  • Driver that measures the number of milliseconds from Switch On to Off,
  • An optional auto off stops the timer, and sends an off event. You can adjust the auto off time with the setTimeRemaining function/attribute.
  • It implements a TimedSession and Switch

What can I do with this?

  • Time how long rules or events takes to process
  • Use the influx-db logger to send events and graph them with grafana

For example:


Measure how long an RM4 rule takes:

Or measure how long it takes to for a Zigbee lamp to reply:

Where do I get it?

How do I use it?

Go To:

If using influx-db

  • Go to influxdb App
  • Under TimedSessions add the new device

Optimal bit

You can create schedule and time triggers time for groovy applications. Not useful for much else.

Why a Switch and a TimedSession?

Most automations can work with switches and turn them on and off. Few things can start and stop a TimedSession.

Hopefully this makes sense and might be useful to someone.


Thanks for this! There was a port of the Influxdb app that caused my hub to lockup, I'm assuming your work fixes these issues? If so, thank you! I'm currently using Hubconnect to run InfluxDB on ST.

My influxdb fork has some fixes to help with potential load issues, I use it on my main hub and haven't had any problems. It doesn't really mater where the events go, so as long as HubConnect can get the timeElapsed events and ship them...

But if you try it out again on hubitat there's a stat summary page where you can see what it's doing and how much it's up to, and what device might be flooding it with events:

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