[RELEASE] GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Motion Switch Driver

Totally understand. Thank you. At least now I realize I wasn't creating things incorrectly in Rule Machine. Ha!

Is there a way to write a smart rule to change this switch to manual at 9pm every night. Using in my laundry room and we have our dog sleep in there. Would like to not have the light come if she moves around until the morning.

I have tried in rule machine, but not sure how to get the setting to switch it from occupancy to manual.

With this user driver - yes. With the in-box driver - no.

I exposed Manual and Occupancy as commands, so they are accessible from RM. I don't use RM any more, though, so it may be better to post a new post asking for the RM help.

That said, if I remember right you select device type "actuator" in the RM action, and that exposes the custom commands (which is what manual/occupancy are).

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Thanks for pointing me in right direction...custom rule built and working. Much appreciated and thanks again for the great driver.

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Using the non-component driver, I am unable to Set Light Timeout to Disabled (it always reads as 5 seconds, other options seem to work here though).

I tried the component version of the driver and it changes the "text" for a second, then it lists 5 seconds again... so unsure what actually happens there.

The Motion Reset timer (non-component) also won't update from default (20 seconds) regardless if what I set it to.

Does this expose the button pushes? In ST I had it setup so that it would turn on with motion, and turn off with no motion, unless the top button was pushed, then it would stay on until the bottom button was pushed.

No. If I remember correctly there is no way in hardware to distinguish between a motion ON and physical button press ON.

Could be jerry rigged in software probably, but I don't do that in my drivers. Obviously anyone can fork the driver on github and do it themselves though.

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Hi @JasonJoel. Just noticed I couldn't update the Motion Reset Timer parameter and saw the same issue discussed and fixed in the Component driver. Just did the same edit to the driver code locally to test and it worked. Submitted pull request on github... I think. I'm a newb and don't really know what I'm doing on github.

Yup, I see it. That was a definite bug in the code - it should have always been size 2. Thanks!

I'll get it integrated tonight or tomorrow.

(merged, and version updated for HPM as well)

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  • 2.3.0 (01/30/2021) - Fixed paramMotionResetTimer. Thanks for the PR @kleung1
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Thank you so much! I just noticed this issue when I replaced a faulty GE Motion Switch today. That's when I discovered the new Component driver. I'm now thinking of switching over to that if migrating the rules over is fairly straight forward.

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  • 2.4.0 (02/17/2021) - Removed erroneous duplicate event recording. Added new preference "Wait for device report before updating status.", added blank selection option to commands to reduce confusion. Granular debug command time options.

Edit: posted to wrong thread.

  • 2.4.1 (02/18/2021) - Fixed some reporting errors, and synced the code with the component switch driver
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  • 2.4.2 (02/18/2021) - Fixed repeated physical events not making events.

@JasonJoel I noticed on your other referenced thread above which is your component driver version for the same device, you posted at the end of March a fix where 'on/off states weren't made in rare situations'
About once a week or so I have a situation where my switch using the non component driver in this thread behaves strangely in that sometimes it will not turn off and sometimes it will not turn on when the motion stops/starts.

Wondering if the bug you fixed in the other driver could possibly be in this one? I ask as I don't see this driver being updated at the end of March. I am hoping this is the case because I cannot figure out why this is happening in my situation!

I couldn't say based on that description, but I doubt it.

Are you saying it doesn't turn on/off sometimes when it is in occupancy mode? Or it doesn't turn on/off sometimes when you issue an on/off command from the hub?

If the latter, what does it show in the logs when you have debug logging turned on in the driver?

Its the latter. I dont use it in occupancy mode. I just issues commands from the hub based on a rule- If motion changes to off, wait 3 minutes then turn off light. The rule is a bit more complex than that because it also leaves the light on for up to 30 minutes if someone manually hits the on button.

If I remember correctly I believe hub is receiving the event of the motion becoming inactive and the hub then shows the light as off but the light is actually still on. Not sure of the logs.

If you can't reproduce it with the on/off buttons on the device detail it is hard to troubleshoot - as all intermittent/transient issues are.

Could be a mesh issue, a device issue, logic issue, driver issue, etc.

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