[RELEASE] Fully Kiosk Browser Controller

Nope. Doesn't make a difference.

I tried setting Fully's start page to the beep file. That works.
I called Load URL with the beep file and that gave me:
The webpage at file:///sdcard/Download/beep08b.mp3 could not be loaded because: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
(Yes, the file no longer had the - in each case.)
So, I am only more flummoxed.

It's gotta be permissions somehow.

In Load Url I entered file:///sdcard/Download/alarm.mp3, my alarm sound, and it played.

Does google.com work for you in the Load Url command?

Does the Beep command work with Tone Audio File URL setting set to your file beep tone name?

I am wondering if there is way to use the tablet as a siren device using this app.

Yes it has an Alarm command and works with HSM. However, it requires a valid Alarm Audio File URL

google loads fine with the load url command.
The beep command is what I have been trying to get working with the Tone Audio File URL all along. So, no.

That's great. So this audio file can be stored on the device or a NAS etc.

I've only stored the file on the device, but it should work with any URL. However, if it's not on the device it must be uploaded to the device from wherever it may be, and that may cause a delay.

I tried using the external url where I got the beep file. It works. So it definitely isn't the file.
It seems it has to be either permissions, which I am tending to doubt, or it is Samsung and their SD Card alias for sdcard. I need to find a non samsung device to try this on....

I will store it in the device for simplicity.

Back when I converted this device to work on SmartThings I loaded these files to my website. Do they work for you if you download to your device, set Tone Audio File URL and save Preferences, then Beep command, or in LoadUrl?

For the record this device's Alarm command loop plays the selected sound file, so it plays until it is stopped.

Nope. Same results. But if I put your website url, it is fine.
It has to be the SD Card vs sdcard thing Samsung has got going here. I will see about setting this up on a Fire tablet tomorrow and trying again.

One of my working Fully dashboards is an old Samsung J3 phone with Android 6. I also have two Fire HD8s, and an old LG phone in the garage with Fully mainly for announcements and the Alfred camera app monitoring the space.

Try this .. from a browser open the following url and see if it plays.


Obviously put in your IP, port, password and URL. Use the encoded URL and see if it beeps.

That is the command the driver sends to FKB to trigger the file to play.

The case sensitive device file name (without the file:// prefix) may be entered as


No.. Neither sdcard or SD card worked. SD card was encoded as SD%20card. I really thought the second one would work as that is the one I though the tablet was looking for and was encoded wrong at first.
Again, if I tried an external URL, like the previously used chime.mp3 above, it plays fine. So, it is just not accessing the device's file although I can set Fully to use it as the startup url.

Ok, The command does work. And I have figured out the problem.
For whatever reason SD card and sdcard are different in samsung. If I use My Files on the Samsung tablet, it is giving me a different file list than if I put file:///sdcard/Download into chrome. I never really looked at the contents before when I was trying out the commands. Now I have and have realized that Samsung is messing with me.

I couldn't upload pictures of it, but trust me, it is frustrating to see two different content lists of what you thought was the same location.
Thanks for your help.


Can anyone open the Rapid Ring App (or any app) with the Launch App Package command?

For Rapid Ring I'm using com.ring.answer but nothing happens, and no HE log errors.

All other FKBC commands work, Fully is up to date and licensed, and Rapid Ring is installed. Device: Amazon HD8

Using the FKB's Universal Launcher setting "Select Items to Show", selected Rapid Ring, the app's start name on Fire devices with Fire Rapid Ring version is com.ring.answer.fire, that works.

I still have to tap the app's button to actually view the camera, but that's way better than attempting to catch the initial Fire's Rapid Ring notification that quickly disappears from my always on HE dashboard display.

Already have Alexa set a HE virtual switch when Ring Front Door camera detects motion, so this will be a simple RM displaying the Rapid Ring app for 90 seconds, then relaunching the fully StartUrl. I know there is a method to do this 100% in Alexa with Fire Devices, however I also have non-fire display devices and want to keep as much of the logic in HE as possible.

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I have 2 tablets running Fully. Using this controller to interface to HE. Everything seems to work fine on both of them. But one of them gives me an error every day at 4:25 pm. Here is the error in the log:

dev:24302021-12-13 04:25:13.275 pm error[refreshCallback] Invalid response: 408

That particular tablet is running Android V8 and Fully 1.44.2. My other tablet is Android V10 and Fully 1.44.3. No error on that one.

Just wondering what might be causing this.