[RELEASE] Event Engine - Automate your world with easy to use Cogs. Rev up complex automations with just a few clicks!


Can't open any of my cogs...possibly due to hub beta FW 2.3.3...I believe you're in the beta program.

Reinstalled EE (insetalled over existing) and still can't open any cogs.

The cogs throw this error when I try to open one:

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That is weird!

3.8.4 - 09/03/22 - Fix for mystery 'contains' error


Cool! I created a mystery!! Right up there w/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!!

Oops...still there. Updated Event Engine...anything else I need to do?

Something is not right over there. I don't think it installed the new code. Open the code to 'Event Engine Cog' and see what version it is.

Screenshot 2022-09-03 8.57.06 PM

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I fear I am not going to be your best friend anymore...

“Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering.”

Now show me line 231

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I'm so afraid... (just a sec)

DId the first capture on my phone, so didn't notice this oddity!

That's not right, right?! I'm awaiting your OK to delete the old version of the Cog that is somehow still in residence.

BINGO, one old version and one new version. Again, very weird. lol. Delete the one not associated with the Cogs and try to download again.

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Worked immediately after deleting the old cog code! :smiley: Gracias.

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Howdy @bptworld - thanks for this great app! I've just installed it for the first time, so I know it's the latest version - and am seeing a bug when adding virtual presence sensor actions. I can select the sensor no problem for both open and close actions, and it works as expected for OPEN actions, but when I specify it for CLOSE - well, it shows as selected in the grey box, but the summary shows as " - Virtual Contact Sensor - Close Sensors: NA" - as though it didn't save it. I've tried deleting, recreating the rule a number of times and it keeps happening. Works fine for OPEN events.

Screen Shot 2022-09-19 at 8.10.22 PM

Here's a screenshot of what I see. Any help appreciated!

Thanks and welcome to the community!

New version...
3.8.5 - 09/20/22 - Fixed a typo

And thank you in return! The new version fixed the issue and the sensors now function as expected.

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@bptworld ive been sitting with this one for awhile and still don’t seem to understand.

If I want a contact sensor to be used as a restriction, do I also need to choose the same contact sensor as a condition for the cog to run?

You can, just depends on what you want the outcome to be.

Be sure to click on the 'Instructions' button at the top of each cog to see the difference between Conditions and restrictions.

Above all else, try it! Play around with the different settings and see what works for you.

New version...

3.8.6 - 09/26/22 - Removed some 'in testing' code

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Hi Bryan - I have a couple cogs that were previously working - sending a notification when a Yale lock was locked or unlocked via keypad. Recently, I started getting just "null" as the notification message whereas before it sent the appropriate info - eg which lock, what happened, who did it.

Here's a current log and setup info - any thoughts?

Event Engine Cog (3.8.6) - Front Door Locked via Keypad (1011)

***** Cog will fire when ALL Condition are true (Using AND)
- By Lock: [Yale Front Door Lock] - UnlockedLocked: true, lockANDOR: NA, Lock User: NA, noCodeLocks: NA
- By Lock - Special Message: Yale Front Door Lock was locked via keypad

- Change Mode to: Home
- Delay Between Actions: 100

- Send Push: [Pushover Driver, Pixel 6 Mobile App, Pixel 6 Mobile App on Home, Michael Cell Phone]
- Message: %whoHappened% %whatHappened% %time1%

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New bundle...

3.8.7 - 10/10/22 - Fix for null push messages

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That fixed it! Thanks (as usual) for the fast response!

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