[RELEASE] Enhanced Weather Underground Driver

@dJOS I am a new user to Hubitat and have installed your driver. I set up the driver as a device to pull from my PWS and placed a weather tile on my dashboard. The tile will not populate the wind speed or direction currently. If I change the tile to an attribute tile for wind speed or wind direction those both work.

Any ideas on things that I can try to correct this? Thanks for the work on the app!

Hi, I’ll look into it. I mainly use the WU integration for weather forecasts and connect HE directly to my PWS for live data.

Thank you for the fast reply. I was unaware that it may be possible for me to connect my PWS to HE directly and will look in to the possibility of doing so.

I have the same issue, and haven't figured it out yet.

Am I missing something or does this driver not expose current weather condition? e.g. rain.

It definitely does:

Strange. My list skips from temperature to windPhraseForecast:


and now several more values have appeared but have null values:


And now the additional values have disappeared.

That data may not be available via WU for you atm? I get blanks for some data on WU when it hasn't rained that day.

TBH, I prefer to hook up my PWS to HE directly for live data. For me WU is mainly used for forecasts and things like cloud cover.

What's an ATM?

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At The Moment

How did you create the dashboard tiles in your pic? The only template I see is Weather, which is pretty useless.
New to Hubitat - coming from ST. Thanks.

Oh some of those are from my Netatmo PWS

Hello, I am a total newbe to HE and home automation, I have figured out how to install this driver on my HE, now what lol, is there an app that I am missing? Thanks

You need to add a virtual “device” and then change the driver to the WU driver.

Thank you dJOS, I know this was a really stupid question for the expert's.

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All good, I was a HE noob 6 months ago too.

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dJOS I have hopefully 1 last question. Where do I find the API key? Thanks

From your weather underground account. You need to have a personal weather station connected before they will give you a key.

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Thanks, I've been wanting to get an Ambient Weather Station, is that what you are referring to? But can I still get just the generic weather from WU though, or do I have to have an API key?

Yes, you'll need that for sure.

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