[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Everyone should know,, you have to enter a credit card for this.
As it is not "free" cheap but not free.

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Its free if you host your own cookie server: [GUIDE] Echo Speaks Server on Docker (or without)


If you are referring to the Heroku service then there are quite a few post about that. It use to be free,but they started charging back in Nov of last year.

This app is free if you use your own a local server, as I do and many others. There are a number of post about how to do that as well.


Yes that is what I was speaking of.

I see tons of errors in the logs out of the blue (running vanilla service on Heroku).

It started with 408 errors on cookie refresh (for 2 weeks now), and today I also got this:

app:682023-07-24 10:24:20.656 PMerrorEchoApp (v4.2.2.0) | wakeupServerResp Exception: java.lang.Exception: No response data exists for async request
app:682023-07-24 10:24:20.652 PMerrorEchoApp (v4.2.2.0) | wakeupServerResp | Stack Trace: java.lang.Exception: No response data exists for async request at hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse.getData(AsyncResponse.groovy:71) at user_app_tonesto7_Echo_Speaks_163.wakeupServerResp(user_app_tonesto7_Echo_Speaks_163.groovy:2228)
app:682023-07-24 10:24:20.624 PMerrorEchoApp (v4.2.2.0) | wakeupServerResp Server may be down / unreachable
app:682023-07-24 10:24:20.613 PMwarn EchoApp (v4.2.2.0) | wakeupServerResp: 503

Any ideas about what's going on?

According to one of the devs up above those errors are from the app trying to connect with the cookie server, which is failing. Same errors were posted above and discussed.

Thanks for the reference, @jtp10181. I saw those discussions. Most of them are about troubles people get setting up standalone servers. I use the vanilla Heroku, and the code is up to date (according to github, at least), so I am unsure how to debug the server errors.

P.S. That's why I advocated separate the threads :wink:

The 503 response indicates that your cookie server is not responding. It seems that your Heroku instance is not responding to requests.

That's what I figured... But it looks good from what I can tell. What are the debugging procedures for it?

That actually isn't good. You should be seeing that you are logged into Amazon. You need to complete that step. Click on the Goto Login Page button and complete the steps to login to your Amazon account. Step 7 in the guide below.

Duh, obviously, I was logged in (not sure when I logged out). I logged back in, and forced cookie refresh, but the cookie is still not refreshed:

It may take a bit for that page to refresh. You might need to exit and go back in.

I see it trying:

If you keep getting those wakeup server response errors, you still have something going on with the Heroku side of things. It has been quite some time since I used Heroku and I no longer have an account, so I can't go and look. I would go back through the guide I posted and make sure you have everything set correctly.

It's been working for at least a few years, so I am sure the setup is good. Heroku logs show the app crashes, and when it recovers, I am logged out (that's how I ended up not being logged in). Maybe Heroku service troubles though... :man_shrugging:t3:

You might want to consider standing up you own cookie server. It is relatively easy to do if you have the resources and follow the guide/s posted by @jtp10181.

The whole idea of using the vanilla Heroku server is that it's well-maintained, and automatically updated (it deploys on changes in my GitHub, which is getting synced with @tonesto7's GitHub) so I don't need to babysit it.
Well. Here are Heroku logs, BTW, if that helps?

I'm not a Heroku expert, but that log shows a 503 status, meaning the server/service is not responding - "Connection closed without response"

This is equivalent to the error you are seeing in your Hubitat logs.

You've got an issue there somewhere.

This much I figured :slight_smile: I am just going to re-deploy everything. Fun!

Thanks for your help, @jkudave! I'll stop flooding the thread now :upside_down_face:

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I lied about stopping the flood! I know what happened! This is going to be a valuable reply for a change!

Hub Migration Instructions!
When migrating between hubs, new hub information needs to be updated on the Heroku Settings page. In the Config Vars section, there are two settings to update with the new hub information:

  • The appCallbackUrl should include the UID for the new hub.
  • The smartThingsUrl should include the new UID and access token (I used the Maker API app to get the token).