[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Need to make some instructions in Markdown for the author to post on github since the info is scattered all over the place at this point...


Please correct me if I am mistaken but I was under the impression when the Heroku subscription was announced that @tonesto7 stated that he would be working on a solution that could be hosted on the Hubitat (and would not require additional hardware to host). Originally, everyone was understandably told to be patient as the necessity of this solution was still months away (end of Nov 2022).

While I totally understand that containers that can host the Heroku “replacement” on non-HE hardware are currently available and the image for these have been developed by @tonesto, I am curious as to whether @tonesto or anyone else is still working on a solution that can be hosted totally on the Hubitat hardware.

Being respectful of @tonesto7 ’s time, I held off in asking this question for a while, but would appreciate some response as to whether work is continuing on this (total Hubitat hosting) or if this is no longer in the works. Either way, some response would be greatly appreciated. I seem to remember a statement from @tonesto7 when the Nov Heroku deadline had passed that he was finding it more difficult to host everything on HE than he had anticipated. I had respectfully asked this question about three weeks ago but did not get any response. Again, I really appreciate all the work that @tonesto7 did to develop ES V4. Just want to know if a totally HE solution is still in the works? Thank you for everything you and others in the community do.


I decided to pay those 5 euros that heroku costs, since I prefer to pay those 5 euros to do everything that people put since I don't know much about programming, and I see it as a mess, I preferred to pay the 5 euros and I don't have to walk with problems of docker cookies etc ..

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I don't ever remember saying there would be a solution that runs entirely on the Hub.
I said I was going to try and make a new server for docker.


So many thanks to @steinauf, I now have Echo Speaks working in Container Station using his ARM branch of the Docker code on my QNAP NAS.

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Thanks @tonesto7 . I stand corrected. Thank you for everything you do. In your opinion, is a Hubitat hosted server even possible?

I'm starting to get these errors in my logs. I'm not sure why I am using heruko server. Everything looks fine no error messages anywhere else that I can tell. And everything is checked out.

Let me know what you think the possible problem could be. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hello,, Did you ever figured out how to play sound using ES in RM. If yes, I really appreciate a hint. Thank you

Hi guys, I have been trying to use the playSoundByName() in Custom Actions in RM, but nothing happens. Do any on you have a working example. I see some threads, but there are no concrete results ! Thank you in advance

Echo Speaks Server for Docker Instructions:

All, I made some basic instructions in Markdown format for getting the ES Server running on Docker for Windows or Linux an sent it over to @tonesto7. The linux instructions probably can work on other hardware as well, like a NAS. If anyone wants to make instructions for a specific NAS OS let me know and I can add it to this file.

These instructions include how to properly set the ipAddress env variable and the restart policy from the command line when creating the container.


When I get a chance I’ll update the Linux side with the docker-compose script for those using that or Portainer. Appreciate your write up though, it clears up a few questions that I had and fills a critical documentation gap


If you want to put something into MD format I can add it to my Gist, or even just a text document I can take the instructions and format them up nice into MD and add it.

I am having issues with the docker, the app keep saying it need to login but the docker is already login

My instructions I posted above address that situation at the very bottom. Please check that out and let me know if that solves it.

It also looks like you have not set the callback URL on the cookie server.

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As a user with a low level of Docker competence, I started using Portainer about a year ago. It's made a big difference in manageability of containers, especially updating them. I use it on a Synology and it is much better than the Synology Docker app. Ironically, the only thing that needs to go to a terminal session is updating Portainer itself. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to manage more than a single container.


The instruction at the bottom does not fix it. The app callback url keeps getting remove after reboot of the docker.

Seems like the container is not able to save persistent data. Could try deleting the container and creating it again using my instructions. What platform are you installing it on?

I am using a truenas server

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don't you need to call out the volume path like the other variables such as ipaddress, port, restart, etc? if so i think those are missing in your docker scripts.

i know in my docker-compose script the volume is specified right there alongside the rest of that information

Not sure if that is handled in the Dockerfile where the WORKDIR is set? But it might be needed for other non-standard installs. It works without it on docker for windows and I assume for the standard docker run command as well.