[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

I'm sorry for bringing this up. I know it's been brought up many times before. However, from a traditional deployment of the cookie server that's definitely changed. In addition, I have wiped out my Raspberry Pi server and dedicated it to this deployment and it's been months and I still cannot get the locally installed server to work.

Let's start with the native server on Heroku. After attempting to try to get the locally installed cookie server to work I attempted to fall back to Heroku. I did a redeploy on that platform like I've done many times before and it would not find the URL and give you the following view.

When I reviewed the app settings the URL is not presented the same way as it used to be. If you're already deployed this is not an issue only for new deployments.

If I follow that link the server does appear.

So, I don't see a way around this problem.

And now for the locally installed server, I've tried with docker without docker and either I'm in a login loop where it doesn't take the cookie, or it does and then reverts back to being unconfigured or back to Heroku.

I rebuilt my Raspberry Pi to follow the following setup for Portainer / Docker-Compose.
And I cannot get the Hubitat application to recognize the login. According to the log files with the container I do get a cookie, but the Hubitat application does not see it.

The page does display with the container popup.


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I have tried everything, and I cannot seem to find where the problem is.
Now, I cannot move forward or backward. I’m now just stuck.