[RELEASE] Echo Speaks V4

Hmm, this seems to support it's a result of my crummy internet. At least this tells me to ignore it as I cannot do anything about my internet.

Is it Spectrum by chance? Before switching to AT&T fiber we had Spectrum and this is one of the reasons we don’t anymore. I recently had to get Spectrum at a house I inherited in order to keep an eye on it and it is so problematic that I had to install a TP-Link outlet to reboot the internet daily. The modem becomes unresponsive to even ISP initiated reboots. I was super thrilled to make the 8.5 hour drive to do that. It still cuts out almost every day for 20 or so minutes.

Nah, I have AT&T, but it's like DSL, coming over the twisted pair phone lines. I live in a mobile home park that does not have any cable network and they won't spend the money to upgrade, Since the park owns the distribution network, I'm stuck until something like Verizon 5G offers home internet in my area (it's available about 2 miles away) Someday :sleepy:


That is very surprising, were you using the Spectrum provided modem and router? In my experience Spectrum is one of the best simply because they give you the freedom of choosing your own hardware. They don't lock you down like AT&T does with their awful gateways.

Modem only. Netgear X6S router connected. The modem is what needs rebooted daily although the Netgear was resurrected from my drawer of shame for this need.

I was able to easily bypass the gateway router and use my own. I have also only had two service interruptions in about 3 years.

I'm having trouble setting up and action trigger based on a temperature. It was suggested I repost my issue here:


I set up a rule (Rules4 app) to speak the temperature when it exceeds the threshold. The rule triggers when I refresh the Pool Temperature device. So, I think that means the Pool Controller Body device driver is sending the correct event, at least when refreshed.

The same refresh does NOT trigger the Echo Speaks app's action.

Actually, now I can get the EchoSpeaks action to trigger and speak the correct temperature.

I don't know why it started working. Maybe I wasn't refreshing the correct device?

Next, I need to figure out what causes the refresh method to activate in the Pool Controller Body driver, or do the sendEvent whenever temperature changes.

It will good to post more of the logs when you do share them.

ie turn on all logs, as there will be trace events that show what ES received from the device (which were missing from your earlier post).

ES can only react to event it gets from the device. When you enable repeats in ES, it can repeat an event it received earlier, but even then for this to start it must receive an event.

You are correct when you run a test, it creates a made up value (randomly) so you can see how things execute with different values.

And now, it's not working (again). Here's a log when I do the refresh:

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.737 pm debugHeater Modes [Off, Heater]

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.619 pm debugSend GET to with [uri:, path:/config/body/1/heatModes, requestContentType:application/json, contentType:application/json, body:null] CB=parseHeatModes

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.577 pm debugCurrent body - [id:1, heaterOptions:[total:1, gas:1, solar:0, heatpump:0, ultratemp:0, hybrid:0, maxetherm:0, mastertemp:0], type:[val:0, name:pool, desc:Pool], temp:89, isOn:true, setPoint:85, name:pool, circuit:6, heatMode:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off], heatStatus:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off]] id=1-

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.570 pm debugparseBodies - [[id:1, heaterOptions:[total:1, gas:1, solar:0, heatpump:0, ultratemp:0, hybrid:0, maxetherm:0, mastertemp:0], type:[val:0, name:pool, desc:Pool], temp:89, isOn:true, setPoint:85, name:pool, circuit:6, heatMode:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off], heatStatus:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off]]]

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.561 pm debugWater temperature is 89

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.558 pm debugparseTemps - [units:[val:0, name:F, desc:Fahrenheit], bodies:[[id:1, heaterOptions:[total:1, gas:1, solar:0, heatpump:0, ultratemp:0, hybrid:0, maxetherm:0, mastertemp:0], type:[val:0, name:pool, desc:Pool], temp:89, isOn:true, setPoint:85, name:pool, circuit:6, heatMode:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off], heatStatus:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off]]], waterSensor1:89, air:89, solar:88, equipmentType:temps]

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.506 pm debugSend GET to with [uri:, path:/state/temps, requestContentType:application/json, contentType:application/json, body:null] CB=parseTemps

dev:972021-06-09 02:02:43.479 pm infoRequested a refresh

Based on the log entry "Water temperature is 89", I know the sendEvent in the Pool Controller Body is being executed:

if (temps.waterSensor1) {

logger("Water temperature is ${temps.waterSensor1.value}") 
 sendEvent([name: "temperature", value: temps.waterSensor1.value.toInteger(), unit: state.units])

But I don't see it in the Pool Controller Body device event list (I've done the refresh and seen the log entry above several times since 1:59. (Everything worked at 1:59)

(Echo Speaks logs are all checked on--but not the child logging)

Dev97 is the pool controller body device.

So, I don't understand why events are NOT showing up in the device event list, even though I know the sendEvent got called.

Here is a log trace when I think it worked (can't be sure if that was the one):

app:852021-06-09 01:58:28.046 pm debugEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | getDeviceActivity: Process Time: (286ms)

app:852021-06-09 01:58:27.761 pm traceEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | getDeviceActivity(null, true)

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.933 pm debugEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | workQ active: false work items fnd: false now: 1623261505932 nextOk: 1623261509600

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.930 pm traceEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | running workQ

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.897 pm traceEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | running finishWorkQ

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.616 pm debugEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | workQ active: true work items fnd: true now: 1623261505616 nextOk: 1623261509600

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.606 pm debugEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | workQ FINAL ms delay is 4000.0

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.605 pm debugEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | workQ ms delay is 4000.0

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.603 pm debugEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | workQ adding sendSpeak from 85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G | MultiSequence : Sequential

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.588 pm traceEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | running workQ

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.307 pm debugaddToQ (multi) | Command(1): [command:speak, value:Spa temperature is 0 degrees., deviceData:[deviceType:A10A33FOX2NUBK, serialNumber:G070RQ139185002G, owner:A2USDQEK8XS6EB, account:A06170443BL3Z3EJ1IV9V, dni:85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G], cmdType:sendSpeak]

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.305 pm debugaddToQ (multi) | srcDesc: sendSpeak from 85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.304 pm debugaddToQ (multi) | callback: finishSendSpeak

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.303 pm debugaddToQ (multi) | device: 85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.302 pm debugaddToQ (multi) | time: 1623261505242

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.299 pm debugaddToQ (multi) | cmdMap: [cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, message:Spa temperature is 0 degrees., newVolume:null, oldVolume:null, cmdDt:1623261505196, cmdId:230, deviceType:A10A33FOX2NUBK, serialNumber:G070RQ139185002G, owner:A2USDQEK8XS6EB, account:A06170443BL3Z3EJ1IV9V, dni:85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G]

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.298 pm debugaddToQ NEW COMMAND (1)

app:852021-06-09 01:58:25.236 pm traceEchoApp (v4.1.8.0) | sendSpeak cmdMap: [cmdDesc:SpeakCommand, message:Spa temperature is 0 degrees., newVolume:null, oldVolume:null, cmdDt:1623261505196, cmdId:230, deviceType:A10A33FOX2NUBK, serialNumber:G070RQ139185002G, owner:A2USDQEK8XS6EB, account:A06170443BL3Z3EJ1IV9V, dni:85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G] callback: finishSendSpeak, device: 85|echoSpeaks|G070RQ139185002G

app:1302021-06-09 01:58:25.135 pm infoAction: Speak on Echo - Family: 'Spa temperature is %value% degrees.'

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.220 pm debugHeater Modes [Off, Heater]

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.167 pm debugSend GET to with [uri:, path:/config/body/1/heatModes, requestContentType:application/json, contentType:application/json, body:null] CB=parseHeatModes

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.127 pm debugCurrent body - [id:1, heaterOptions:[total:1, gas:1, solar:0, heatpump:0, ultratemp:0, hybrid:0, maxetherm:0, mastertemp:0], type:[val:0, name:pool, desc:Pool], temp:89, isOn:true, setPoint:85, name:pool, circuit:6, heatMode:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off], heatStatus:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off]] id=1-

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.118 pm debugparseBodies - [[id:1, heaterOptions:[total:1, gas:1, solar:0, heatpump:0, ultratemp:0, hybrid:0, maxetherm:0, mastertemp:0], type:[val:0, name:pool, desc:Pool], temp:89, isOn:true, setPoint:85, name:pool, circuit:6, heatMode:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off], heatStatus:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off]]]

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.110 pm debug89

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.108 pm debugWater temperature is 89

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.104 pm debugparseTemps - [units:[val:0, name:F, desc:Fahrenheit], bodies:[[id:1, heaterOptions:[total:1, gas:1, solar:0, heatpump:0, ultratemp:0, hybrid:0, maxetherm:0, mastertemp:0], type:[val:0, name:pool, desc:Pool], temp:89, isOn:true, setPoint:85, name:pool, circuit:6, heatMode:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off], heatStatus:[val:0, name:off, desc:Off]]], waterSensor1:89, air:88, solar:88, equipmentType:temps]

dev:972021-06-09 01:57:52.048 pm debugSend GET to with [u

So HE does not sendEvents if the value would be the same as the current value.

So your sendEvent does nothing if the temperature attribute is already that value. If it does nothing, no event was sent.

This is proper coding for a device - ie it should not send events when nothing changed.

Also note, if debugging an Action, only need full logs for the action unless otherwise asked....it helps narrow the search.


I see. That explains much.

So, sendEvent itself keeps track of what was sent last? I don't see code in the driver that keeps track of current state and does the sendEvent only if it is different.

correct that is built into the sendEvent method. There is a way to force it to send the event, but that is bad form for anything that is not a momentary device.

So, I'm thinking about how to implement what I want, given how events aren't sent if there's no change.

I was thinking the Echo Speaks action would run constantly with delay of 10 or 20 seconds between each speak, until a virtual switch was turned off. And, if the temperature was already above the threshold set in the rule/Action trigger, it should trigger, even if it's been at that temperature for hours.

I think in this case, I want the event sent regardless of whether the temperature changed. It seems to only being sent as a result of a refresh action. I don't think the driver sends events every time the device it http communicates with changes (but I haven't confirmed that yet).

That might mean I need a driver modification that will send an event whenever the driver recognizes a change in parameter. Versus trying to have sendEvent filtering events.

Hello there, I installed the latest package but apparently have some older code on my hub, I have installed this unsuccessfully some time back from code not from HPM. My latest install (last week) was thru HPM but I think some old code is lingering keeping things from working correctly. My Device is, my Socket is I can't delete these cause it says they are in use by the devices even though I have the newer ones installed. Should I delete everything and start over or is there a better idea? @tonesto7 Thanks

On your Devices page, open each of these two devices. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the “In use by” section, click on each of the links, which will take you to the automation (Rule or Notification, etc.) that is using the old device. Switch the device being used in the automation to the new version equivalent on Echo Speaks. Repeat for each “In use by” item until there are no more. Then you will be able to delete the old versions.

Alternatively, and more drastic (but not necessary if you follow the above steps) you could delete the Rules / notifications that use the old versions, delete the old versions, and re-create the deleted rules / notifications.

In the Echo routines there is the ability to play a sound 'Doorbell 2'. Among others. In Echo Speaks there is a function called 'Play Sound By Name'. I tried using this with Doorbell 2 but no response. Is this what that function is supposed to do?

I’ve been using Echo Speaks for over a year in two homes. I realize that I have two server apps both logged in to the same Amazon account to connect on Echo devices at both homes.

Is there an easy way to have both Hubitat devices connect to the same Heroku server?