[RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions

What's the total % usage of your hub? (Mine shows Echo Speaks at 39.6% of a total hub usage of 1.1%, or about 0.4%cpu - which means I probably used more energy figuring it out than it did providing the service :sunglasses:)


I've been getting the following errors in the log.

I run my own DNS server locally, I have verified DNS resolution for the local network segment. Haven't looked at the code, but is it possible that this exception may appear incorrectly for unrelated (i.e. non name resolution related) issues?

dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:53.462 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAvailableWakeWords | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:53.450 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getWakeWord | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:50.160 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaylists | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:50.127 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaybackState | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com: Temporary failure in name resolution
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:48.427 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAlarmVolume | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:48.415 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAvailableWakeWords | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:48.372 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getWakeWord | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:45.121 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaylists | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:45.101 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaybackState | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:53.474 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAlarmVolume | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:53.462 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAvailableWakeWords | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:53.450 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getWakeWord | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:50.160 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaylists | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 10:46:50.127 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaybackState | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com: Temporary failure in name resolution
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:48.427 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAlarmVolume | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:48.415 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getAvailableWakeWords | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:48.372 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getWakeWord | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:45.121 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaylists | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com
dev:2492021-02-19 08:56:45.101 am errorEcho (v3.6.4.1) | getPlaybackState | HostName Not Found | Msg: alexa.amazon.com

I should note that all functionality is working properly, I have not otherwise noticed any symptoms or behaviors. On initial impressions, this seems to be purely a cosmetic logging issue.

I think that Tony has said that is caused by amazon cloud stuff (not a direct quote).

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Are you using the 3.6 version, or the 4.0 Beta version? The 4.0 is a LOT better on memory.

where do I get it? github?

Use Hubitat Package Manager to make it easiest. Search for Echo Speaks, install the Beta version.

Sorry, I had just found it after I saw your original answer. It looks like if I already have v3 installed I can uninstall HPM and then reinstall it and choose ES Beta when it matches up with apps and drivers.

Now running 4.0 and reset app stats counter. So far it's not even breaking 20% where as before it was push 80%. This is awesome! Amazing job @tonesto7! Thank you so much for this!

I got this e-mail from Heroku this morning... Anyone else?

Looks like youโ€™re using approximately 3% a day, at that rate youโ€™ll run out of free hours the day after you get more hours. Given that though your usage rate does seem high.

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Only time I got one of those I was running two instances of the server on one account


Interesting... Iโ€™ll have to check to ensure Iโ€™m just running one instance!

When you did this, did v4 just pick up where v3 left off? In particular, did you need to change anything with Heroku to match up with the new v4? Thank you.

If you do the remove HPM and matchup then no need to touch Heroku.

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Suddenly routines stopped working. I didn't change anything related for weeks, afaik. Getting this log error:

2021-02-20 20:03:48.545 [error]( (v3.6.4.4) | getAlexaRoutines | Response Exception | Status: (404) | Msg: Not Found

Did a HPM update install, no change. Any ideas?

there are Alexa api changes. I think this is fixed in the 4.0 beta

I just switched to with the help of above comments. Now the routines are found (I can select them), but they aren't working. I now get above 404 error plus this additional error in the log:

2021-02-20 22:48:38.363 [error]( (v4.0.5.0) | No Routine Data Returned for ID: (amzn1.alexa.automation.3db9XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX)

Tony - maybe need to push the latest update to beta?


I was going to roll it out but then we started making changes to the queueing...
I'm not sure we are ready to roll it out... Maybe I can backport the routine fix into the current beta

I am now suddenly seeing the same errors and some of my devices no longer announce. This was never an issue until a few days ago. @tonesto7, any ideas or suggestions?

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