[RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions

Still getting the unexpected error after duplicating an Action and trying to go in and update the duplicated action.

I've tried to duplicate then save all the way out then go back in, still no luck
I then deleted the (dup) and start again, same results

What action type did you select exactly?

I'm having a real hard time duplicating these errors...
Eric made some changes during the optimization process so I'm trying to play catchup...

I understand this error, will work on a fix (this is the duplicate problem)

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I played with tiered announcements last night, I found that it does allow for different messages at different volumes however only to the same zone(s).

My goal is to have a message play on zone 1 at volume X and the same/different message play on zone 2 at volume Y.

So far, it looks like I need 2 different actions based on the same triggers, unless I'm overlooking something

My bad... I see what your looking for now... This maybe a feature I can look into adding

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I just removed the non beta version and installed the beta. It's all configured and the device test works. I created an announcement action for open doors but it does not work. I have debug log turned on and when I test the announcement action nothing happens, nothing written to the log. Any suggestions how to proceed with debugging?

I want to upgrade to the beta. In HPM I’m seeing both versions. My question is, do I install beta first and then uninstall production? I have a few Alexa voice notifications in my rules and I’m worried about losing everything in my rules if I uninstall completely before installing beta. What’s the correct way to do the upgrade?

I don't know what the official answer is, but I should have removed the old one first. I had a weird combination of old and new apps mixing with each other. That was a mess to straighten out. And I had had to go in and fix all the stuff that used the old app. Then I had to uninstall and reinstall HPM and do a match.

I think it would have been quicker and easier to just wipe the old one and start over with the new.

You can create a virtual device to temporarily put in place in your automations. Or just let them break and fix them or re-create them if they get really boogered up (not recommended). But the virtual device method would be the least disruptive.

That's not true... Just remove HPM and reinstall... When it matches existing installs chose the Beta version of the Echo Speaks and let it install the beta code over your existing code.
After complete open ES app and press Done...

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That is not what happened to me! It installed the beta along side the old one. And then when I installed the app itself, it used parts of the old, and parts of the new apps and drivers. I had like V3 and V4 intermingled.

Maybe that is a one-off, but just a word of caution that it apparently can happen somehow.

You probably didn't remove HPM first. If you don't remove HPM it'll install another instance of echo speaks. I did the same. The proper way to do this is to uninstall HPM and then when the match process occurs tell them app that the instance is v4 and it'll overwrite the existing app.

That’s what I did (after doing a back-up of the hub just in case) and it worked perfectly the first time. I have a lot of automations using echo devices, so other options would have been very time consuming!

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With the 'Alexa Routines triggers' feature being broken for the time being (at least for me) until @tonesto7 / @nh.schottfam manage to find a fix (fingers crossed!), I am wondering whether there is any other way for Hubitat to trigger things in Alexa..?

Hubitat virtual devices (e.g. switches) exposed to Alexa allow Alexa to trigger things in Hubitat. However, is it possible to have it the other way around, i.e. Hubitat triggering things in Alexa? As far as I can tell Alexa doesn't allow for routines triggered by virtual devices from Hubitat. Any other creative ideas?

If you use a Virtual Switch that is also a Virtual Contact switch you can use it as a bi-directional switch.

metadata {
	definition (name: "Virtual contact with Switch", namespace: "cw", author: "cwwilson08") {
		capability "Sensor"
		capability "Contact Sensor"
        capability "Switch"

def on() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "closed")
    sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on")

def off() {
    sendEvent(name: "contact", value: "open")
    sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off")

def installed() {

Alexa will react to the change on the contact side (which is set using the switch attributes), and can set the switch attributes if you need it in HE.


This is beautiful yet so simple -- much better than what I've been doing with triggering Alexa voice routines from within Hubitat. Thanks!

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It's been fixed... I thought I pushed up the fixes to beta.

I even added a routine test to the main page of the app to list routines and allow you to execute them right there.

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Can you make a correction in the server configuration instructions for people like me that don't full read the instructions. The instructions say click "view" but the arrow in the picture points to "Manage App". I clicked Manage App :disappointed:

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Brilliant! Are you referring to v. that appears to be the latest beta?

Maybe only part of the fix was merged? I can select routines in actions now, but executing it (with test action) has an error:

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Your right... I didn't push the execution part...

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