[RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions


Latest bugfixes are now available


On new update seeing this error on the Websocket

2021-01-29 07:23:37.591 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: cookie for class: java.lang.String on line 631 (updated)

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I'm seeing that same error message on most current beta branch release!

[dev:557]( 07:25:39.633 pm [error]( No such property: cookie for class: java.lang.String on line 631 (updated)
[dev:557]( 07:25:39.483 pm [info]( Socket ( | close() called
[dev:557]( 07:25:39.481 pm [info]( Socket ( | initialize() called
[dev:557]( 07:25:39.462 pm [info]( Socket ( | updated() called

I get the same error

Are you on

I’m a little rusty, but if I read the code (Echo WS device) correctly it’s just casting the value as type String, and everything in that command appears to be of type string so not seeing how you’re getting that error.

Yes I am.

I have sent Tony a fix for this.

Otherwise you can change lines: (green or white is what it should look like) in

echo-speaks-ws.groovy driver code

I just merged the fix. Please manually update the main app and web socket device


I seem to get lots of too many requests in my logs
Each use in RM has a 2 sec delay between speaking and/or setting volumes...
Is 2 sec just not enough, sure hate to add more delay or is there another solution?

The request limits are per account, not per device, so if you are sending to multiple individual devices at the same time it can cause this.

I ended up at 10 seconds delay between commands to fix this error.

Try creating zones for some of those and it will send one command which will play on all the devices in the zone.

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Thanks @tonesto7 for the suggestion

When I attempt to create the first Zone, I get this error and there is nothing in the logs

Thanks for having a look

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Hi all, I seem to be unable to see all / any of my Alexa's routines. I was able to see & pick them just a few days ago, but not the case any more. I thought I needed to update to v4.0.3.0, which I did, but that didn't solve the issue. Still cannot see any of my Alexa routines.

Any suggestions...?


Will you be fixing this in your code so these characters are spoken as if they were the words they are used for? Or at allow users to have it do so?


Issue 1 - Echo Speaks
Placing & in any phrase makes Alexa say "sorry having trouble accessing..."
I'd expect it would speak "Ampersand" or "And"?

Issue 2 - Echo Speaks
( ) | * [ ] { } ` "
none are spoken when put into the Echo Speaks app directly.
all other non-alphanumeric character names are spoken (as expected)

What value will this add exactly?

I already documented it all above.

& causes a complete failure in Echo/Alexa and nothing in that phrase is read at all. this is a huge problem if that character is there, anywhere.

Echo should speak characters that could be in common phrases ... Asterisk (or star), quote, back slash (web site URLs), etc

The issue here is that the ampersand characters need to be escaped to use the xml entity as: "&". When escaped, Alexa speaks it the same as "and".

This is the expected behavior of Alexa, and I don't think that Echo Speaks should take any responsibility for this. You can't even create a routine in the alexa app that speaks a phrase using these characters. (There are also several other non-alpha characters not in your list that are unspoken, including most characters used for punctuation.)

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MANY non-alphas are spoken. " and * are just a likely to be used / needed...

Tested working...

! = "exclamation mark"
.  = "dot"
? = "question mark"
% = "percent"
$ = "dollar"
+ = "plus"
- = "dash"
= = "equals"
; = "semi colon"
: = "colon"
/ = "slash"
\ = "back slash"
^ = "carot"
@ = "at"
# = "hash"

Trying to update the Server deployment, but I am unable to access https://dashboad.heroku.com/ on any browser, tried Chrome, Firefox, Edge and even IE. It says your connection is not private and does not have an option to continue or ignore?

Edit: I think it has to do with the digital certificate, I just went the long way round heroku.com, then sign in and then go that way.