[RELEASE] Echo Speaks v3 + Actions

Just import the new app and driver code and save it replaceng the previous version of drivers and apps. Then open the app and hit the done button.


@Otto_Mation Thank you!!


@tonesto7 I continue to get a couple of errors. For WakeWord and AlarmVolume. They happen on various Echo devices. Why would Echo Speaks even need our wake word and alarm volume? Is there anything that I could change on my end to stop these errors from occuring?

2020-02-12 05:46:58.772 am errorEcho (v3.5.0.0) | getWakeWord | Response Socket Timeout (Possibly an Amazon Issue) | Msg: Read timed out


2020-02-12 06:17:16.287 am errorEcho (v3.5.0.0) | getAlarmVolume | Request Timeout (Possibly an Amazon/Internet Issue) | Msg: Connect to alexa.amazon.com:443 [alexa.amazon.com/] failed: connect timed out

They are there because you can actually change the words using ES same with the alarm/reminder volume.
I will get an update out tonight that quiets those errors.

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Where are the hubitat install instructions? I tried using the smartthings instructions that are linked here thinking they were universal but the device driver does not work. I must have the wrong one. Why are the wrong instructions linked anyway?

The device driver produces this error when I try to save the code:
Metadata Error: Capability 'Audio Mute' not found.

EDIT: I went to the github page and found the right documentation. Why it's not linked in the hubitat forum post makes absolutely no sense.

It’s linked at the top of this page.

Ahh thanks, the second install link is the right one. That first one goes to the smartthings instructions which seem useless to have on this post.

But looks like the device driver for hubitat doesn't work either. When I try to save it I get the following:
No signature of method: static com.hubitat.hub.dao.DeviceDao.getState() is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null] Possible solutions: getState(long), getData(long), getClass(), getAt(java.lang.String)

Not sure what I am doing wrong. I just imported it as the instructions state. Weird that no one in this huge thread has had this problem.

You have the app code installed under apps code and the device code installed under drivers code?

Yes the app code is installed, all three of them. It's just when i try installing the device code I get that error.

Anybody else seeing this error....

When I try to import the habitat device drive over the existing one I get this error

No signature of method: static com.hubitat.hub.dao.DeviceDao.getState() is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null] Possible solutions: getState(long), getData(long), getClass(), getAt(java.lang.String) on line 2980

Any reason you can think of that this doesnt seem to login at all for some?
Seems the heroku server does not get the cookie and continually asks to login to amazon.

Yet each time i login, (and fails) i see e new Echo Speaks device listed in my amazon account


I've been getting this error.

I'm not sure why have attempted to research but haven't found anything yet.

Yup, can confirm I am getting the same errors as @jsarcone

2020-02-16 03:35:53.802 pm [error] EchoApp (v3.5.0.0) | receiveEventData Error: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: AFF5OAL5E3DIU for class: java.lang.String
2020-02-16 03:35:35.100 pm [error] EchoApp (v3.5.0.0) | receiveEventData Error: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: AFF5OAL5E3DIU for class: java.lang.String
2020-02-16 03:35:32.132 pm [info]  EchoApp (v3.5.0.0) | Cookie Validation: (true) | Process Time: (318ms)

Yep, I am getting them too. Ton's of them.

Does it reference any line numbers?

Nope. Error is exactly as it is shown.

Have been errors for the last week or so... Running latest versions of ES.

This is the most current errors:

The below errors seems to have stopped, at least for now:

The receiveEventData error is strange because it's acting like it doesn't have an entry in the state data for the device type id. (I will see if I can duplicate this error)

I'm not even sure how that's speech command is firing like that. It's stuck in some sort of loop.
It's like the speech queue failed (I haven't been able to find a scenario to cause that to happen in almost 2 years)

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Not sure if this has anything to do with the errors but I noticed the ID string (A1MPSLFC7L5AFK) in the "Unused Devices" tab of Echo Speaks.