[RELEASE] Auto Lock Door

I can publish it to my GitHub repo so you can keep yours around. Don't mind me reusing your code in the app right?


Nope, you have my permission. If you're feeling generous, keep a credit to me in there somewhere. But I'm not that attached. :slight_smile:


Yea, I'll keep credit in there.

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You two can share the profits 50/50. :smiley: :moneybag: :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :money_with_wings:

I'll take that deal.

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I keep getting a divide by zero error when I try to calculate the profits to send.


New package is up and should be added to HPM soon.

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Cool! Congrats on the adoption, @lewis.heidrick! And thanks for the
"donation," @chris.sader. Win-Win if I've ever seen it.

True LOL. :smiley:


Try profit as the numerator rather than the denominator in a profit share fraction calculation :wink: :rofl:

Results is undefined.

Yeah, exactly. And probably still zero really ha ha ha :rofl:

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Indeed, thank you both @lewis.heidrick and @chris.sader!!

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Any way to have this code behave differently in different modes? I would like to turn it off when I'm having a party at my house.

The app supports a switch for enabling/disabling it; you could automate that using modes or another trigger.

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So Auto Lock was the real reason no one came to my party last week - they couldn't get in!

I'm gonna sue @lewis.heidrick and @chris.sader for ALL their profits!!


Be careful you may end up paying them...:rofl:


Sorry, I'm very new to this. How exactly would I go about doing this?

The app allows you to optionally designate a switch to control it's active state.

If you create a virtual switch and use that option to link it to the app, you can use Rule Machine, etc. to turn that switch on or off depending on the trigger you select (i.e. Mode Change).

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He can use Simple Automations to turn the switch on and off via mode change as well, I assume. Likely easier to start w/Simple Automations for this if he's new to HE.

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There you go taking the fun out of it :innocent:, but yes Simple Automations would be better in this use case.

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