[RELEASE] Aqara P1 Motion Sensor (RTCGQ14LM)

Hi everyone, I'm getting back into my SmartHome game after falling off for 2 years. Just updated my c-7 to

My problem is with my Aqara motion sensors as they do work as trigger when I set their state to "active" but the physical sensors don't detect any motion. See the attached screenshot.

After some surfing I find this thread (and also the Package Managers which is a GAME CHANGER)

Please tell me If I have to provide more info to get help solving my issue, right now I'm reconnecting my devices and setting them up one by one, room by room while I re-learn and discover what has happened in this space since I left.

Updated another driver and repaired my sensor without whiping it, and now it's back in buseiness! :slight_smile:

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Would someone mind clarifying:
Does the release of this driver means I don't need the Aqara hub to connect the P1 to Hubitat or do I still need to aquire an Aquara for it's Zigbee 3 implemetation and then use this driver to control it?

This driver is for direct pairing of Aqara P1 motion sensor to Hubitat.

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Perfect. Thank you.
Cyber Monday here I come