[Release] Alternative Alexa speech synthesis driver using ioBroker

This is a Hubitat driver that sends API GET's to the ioBroker web "Simple-API" which in turn allow us to interact with the Alexa2 adapter by @Apollon77

I am not a developer or programmer, this is a driver that I made for myself to overcome the nuisance of having to create a cloud container as there is with other integrations.
Until not long ago, I was using @ogiewon awesome AlexaTTS Manager paired with @gabriele nodejs fork.

This alternative uses iopBroker and on top of that I have Alexa2 by Apollon77.
Alexa2.0 and ioBroker abstracts the alexa token renewal and other nuisances and just leaves us with a clean and easy to use simple API which can be interacted thru the simple-api provided by ioBroker.
In my personal opinion I find this approach easier to manage and maintain.

What it currently does:
-Send text to speech using hubitat's embedded capabilities and attributes.
-Set volume for speech and general audio.
-With the on/off switch can toggle the doNotDisturb flag in the API.

-Install ioBroker ioBroker/INSTALL.md at master · ioBroker/ioBroker (github.com)
-Install and configure ioBroker.alexa2 Apollon77/ioBroker.alexa2: ioBroker Adapter to control Amazon Alexa/Echo devices (github.com)

-Driver repo: ManuRiver/Hubitat-ioBroker-Alexa2: This is a Hubitat DHT that sends API GET's to the ioBroker web "Simple-API" which in turn allow us to interact with the Alexa2 adapter by @Apollon77 (github.com)

How it works:
Once you get your ioBroker and Alexa2.0 adapter up and running, add a new device with my driver.

Configure the following under the drivers parameters:
"ioBrokerAddress", this is your ioBroker URL, eg http// (don't leave any trailing periods or spaces)
"ioBrokerPort", this is the TCP port chosen for the "Simple-API", eg 8080 (don't leave any trailing periods or spaces)

"ioBrokerAlexaDevice", this you can get from the "objects" tab at the ioBroker UI, copy the URI of the specific echo device up to the serial number string using this syntax eg alexa2.0.Echo-Devices.serialnumberhere (don't leave any trailing periods or spaces)

If you guys feel like adding anything or maybe ideas to make it better please do so.
My code could be kind of crude and may need some tuning, but its currently serving my purpose, that is to use my alexa's as TTS announcer for various automations around home.
If it works, it's not stupid right :wink: