[RELEASE] Advanced GoControl GC-TBZ48 Thermostat Driver

I've never had any issues with updates on my 4 devices. That I've noticed anyway - maybe some were missed and I didn't notice.

When I was making my driver I got updates every time I expected one - and I tracked it for weeks versus separate status relays I have on the hvac equipment itself.

It is good that you fixed it / worked around that though, as now that I've said it has been solid for me I'm sure I'll start having missing reports (jinx!). :laughing:

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Yea.. that's usually how that works.. It's like in IT the moment you say there has been no issues with something.. Boom it fails in the most miserable way..

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thanks for this @bcopeland

noticed this driver has a remote temperature, remote sensor 1 node number , & remote sensor temp offset. How are these used?

If I want to use an alternate temp sensor to bias the temp reading, do I just use the Sensor Cal offset like with @JasonJoel driver?

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Yes.. This was made to be compatible with his driver.. Per his request.. If you run into any issues, please let me know..

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That part should work same as my old driver. It is for me, anyway on my 4 thermostats.


cool, just wanted to make sure.

so, what do those remote parameters do?

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This is a function built-in to the device.. It will (assuming compatibility) allow reading of another z-wave temperature reporting device.. You put in the node id of the sensor you want it to use for remote .. I have not used this feature.. But it was a documented feature so I included it.

And I say "assuming compatibility" as this device uses some pretty old command classes and it might have issues with newer temperature reporting devices.

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That is on my list to play with... I messed with it a year or so ago when making my driver, and had mixed/inconclusive results on how it actually worked.

Now that I have an extra development thermostat maybe I'll tinker again. Just not sure I actually have any ZWAVE temperature sensors any more... Pretty much all mine are zigbee.

EDIT 1: Looks like I have exactly 1 zwave device that reports temperature (that isn't already a thermostat)...

EDIT 2: Scratch that... I forgot I have a few aeotec multisensor 6 in my drawer... That is what I was using to mess with it a year ago. Forgot about those.


I have a few fibaro contact sensors that you can hook up a ds18b20 sensor to.

But if the thermostat only will read one remote physical device, i'll probably stick with the Sensor Cal manipulation based on the average of temp sensors i have around the house.

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I was wondering what y’all were using that for

A few things...

  • On one thermostat I average 2 temps to bias the thermostat.
  • On another I average 3 different room temps during the day, but only use the 2 bedroom temperatures at night to bias the thermostat (drop the common area temperature that is unoccupied at night).
  • On another, I switch between using two different sensors based on room occupancy, or average if both rooms occupied.

I'm in the process of re-creating my HVAC scheduling automation. Combination of presence sensors, contact sensors, temp sensors, and time-based schedules.

I've mapped out the triggers/schedules and their priority, now i just need to write a rule to set the thermostat based on priority.

Coming over from ST/Nest/Webcore, and Rule Machine has a bit of a learning curve so it's slow going :wink:

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I would imagine that will be hard to do in RM.

I did it in a custom app when I was doing it in Hubitat. Now do it in Node-Red.


yes, I am finding it difficult.

Right now, I've modified & deployed around 8 versions of your sample Sensor Cal app. The modification was to also read a virtual device that has the priority value (in addition to setting the thermostat and the virtual temp sensor to bias the sensor cal with). If the priority value doesn't match up with the thermostat/alt temp sensor the app was set up for, it shuts down. Setting the priority value using rule machine based on presence/contact, etc.

The idea is that only one of the apps will be active and biasing the thermostat at a time. Probably terrible design, but I never really picked up groovy enough to write my own apps. Just make small tweaks here & there.


Wow.. Amazon has these right now for $44 (renewed)

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yep, that's why I made the switch!

edit: at that price, I should probably go ahead and get a dev unit like @JasonJoel

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Yeah, I got my last one for $19 on eBay.



I've been surprised how far off some of the GoControl temperature readings are though.

My dev thermostat happens to be laying right to my calibrated temperature transmitter/thermocouple right now - almost 4 degrees different.

My living room thermostat - almost 0 difference on last calibration check.

Go figure?

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yikes, thats why I need to use sensor cal. plus my thermostats are in the worst spots in hallways. as soon as everyone closes their door at night they either freeze or sweat.

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