[RELEASE] Abode Alarm system driver 2024

Debug/trace have been enabled, as well as child devices and I saved twice. How long does it take for child devices to be created? The logs are not showing anything for child devices that I can tell. Below is the most recent log.

Edit: Been opening/closing sensors now and they're logging, not showing under child devices, and showing as unknowns?

When you have trace/debug/child enabled, and save prefs. It should show a lot of devices being added and need to be created.

I'm confused why that is not occuring.

Apologies again for being a novice, but I just want to double check that I don’t need the original code from @endorphin_junkie’s Abode driver? I should just be able to get this driver from HPM and follow the steps including debug/trace/child devices and save pref twice?
My C8 is running, would that have anything to do with it?

You should not need the original driver. Ensure only the 2024 driver is installed and child devices enabled in prefs, then enable trace/debug, save prefs. Then ..... save prefs again and see log output.

I am using a C8 as well. I only have a basic Abode Security Kit, no smart, no Iota. So could possible be something with that maybe???? (do not know)

Wait - do you mean you have this one:

Do you have access to CUE automations through Abode?

And all of this (above driver) still works with the basic kit? I'm guessing that means the basic kit just has the Abode 433mHz (or whatever) and a zigbee radio (because some Abode devices are zigbee) vs the others also having a Z-Wave radio. Wonder why the Basic Kit is not considered Homekit compatible...

And your driver works great with the non-basic kits, so type of hub not @wyn.carlton 's issue.
@wyn.carlton - Just start over on the Abode stuff. Delete all the drivers from your Hubitat. Make sure Abode is working great on it's own. Then follow the instructions to install the 2024 Abode Alarm System driver in HE.

New update, to add Leak/Water sensor. (still have not had a chance to try CAM2 yet)

@wyn.carlton yes... i'd start over, delete all Abode drivers, then install via HPM only. Not sure exactly why devices are not being created. Logs just show nothing, so hard to help if nothing is shown up.

Great! Thank you!!

For those who may have installed the update from HPM and are not seeing your leak sensors as child devices, per @x86cpu post 59:
Try Debug/trace logs.... Then save again... It should go through [your] entire list and [update] each device.
To get to this, go to the parent Abode device, and under preferences, turn on both debug and trace logs, then save. The leak sensors will then be listed as child devices...!!!

Hi, i just tried your trick and the water leak sensors showed up now. i will try to set one off soon and make sure it works. i will update thread after testing.

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@calinatl @x86cpu

Not sure where my issue lies. I have uninstalled and reinstalled (using HPM only) probably about 5 or 6 times now, still no child devices. Abode is working fine on its own.
I am getting a new error though that I was not on previous installs:

Line 102 refers to login credentials using MFA.

I have also tried fresh install without MFA enabled via Abode and still get the line 102 error.

When I open a contact sensor I still get my original "unknown child device event".

All in all, I am stumped as to what exactly I am doing wrong.

@calinatl @x86cpu Well I enabled "save abode timeline events" and that got child devices to appear.... I feel like a big ol dummy now.

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Very happy you got it going. Now you can use your Abode sensors in HE automations!!

I'll try to add a note in the child devices preferences that it requires save timeline events enabled too.

Glad it's working!

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Just came across the below links when looking for something else. Posting links here in case they are helpful - I don't really understand it but they seems to have alot of Abode API info...


And this says the Cam stream via RTSP was "feasible" at some point, but perhaps no longer

Sure is/was helpfuly. I did use that for some of the GLASS/SMOKE devices that have yet to alert. :crossed_fingers:

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