You need to add the multi sensor child.... When you install with HPM there are optional devices. You should be able to go back in to hpm and reconfigure the Abode 2024. Pick all the children... You must have a multi sensor that it detected and is not able to create the child due to missing driver.
The Abode Multi sensor is one of the few Abode devices I don't have, so at install when I was able to select which drivers to install, I did not select that one. Going to try to figure out how to revise the install to include it.
Also - when I first installed your 2024 version, before it was on HPM, all the devices came right in with no issue.
ETA: Went to HPM, selected Modify (an already installed package), selected the MultiSensor, and installed that. Went back to the Abode Parent device, hit refresh but that did nothing, then hit Save Preferences and it installed all of the devices. Interestingly, it has installed the Temp/Humid sensor as a MultiSensor, so that must have been the issue.
For some reason it seems a multi sensor as a device and is trying to install the child for it. If you can send the debug logs if that so I can see. If you really do not have a multi sensor it should not be doing that. But.... It could be another sensor variant that I need to account for.
One thing I noticed: In the child devices, in the Preferences section, in the "Status attribute for Devices/Rooms", the only option is "None" until the device status changes. Once it changes, you can select the status attribute to track.
For example, until a motion sensor picks up motion, the only option is None. After the first time it picks up motion, I can select "motion" and then it starts reporting active/inactive.
Same with a door; until I open the door, the only option is none. Once I open the door, I can select Contact, then it starts reporting open/closed.
The interesting thing is that it tracks this even if the device is not in alarm mode (ie motion sensors do not trigger an alarm in Standby or Home mode, but they still pick up active/inactive in both of those modes, so all I have to do is walk by one to get it to report to HE). Thus, I predict we may be able to "test" the glass breaks. Mine are set to not go off in standby mode; I presume there is some sort of noise every few weeks that would trigger them, so hopefull we can soon have a test trigger for those.
ETA: While I was writing the above, the temp/humid sensor populated. It has humidity, illuminance and temperature in the drop down, so at least it knows it does not have motion like the multisensor.
Yes... I try to have it set the initial state when it creates the child, which should have the attribute available, but does not always do that. It's only on a new device added, so not a huge deal.
And yes... The motion detector sensor and window/door will adjust status without being armed. I in have a Alexa routine to say "goodbye" it then tells hubitat to do the good bye rule.... Which checks for any open sensor and will not set the alarm if it detected one open. (Using driver: Sensor Groups+ as a contact sensor) It also uses Alexa speaks and announces that it is unable to alarm since a door or window is still open.
The multi motion has the same humidity/temp sensor... But it also creates a 2nd device as a motion. I am not sure if the glass/smoke will ever trigger (my smoke is armed all the time and have set it off cooking... But I missed the logging)
Just to let others know...Abode does have a /login API limit. I hit it while testing a login issue... I waited 2 hrs and it was ok... So .... just be carefully using login to many times.
[dev:846]( 10:35:38.392[trace]( doHttpRequest()
[dev:846]( 10:35:38.390[error]( status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden
[dev:846]( 10:35:37.981[trace]( doHttpRequest()
[dev:846]( 10:35:37.979[error]( status code: 429, reason phrase: Too Many Requests
[dev:846]( 10:35:37.590[trace]( doHttpRequest()
[dev:846]( 10:35:37.588[error]( status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden
[dev:846]( 10:34:46.087[trace]( doHttpRequest()
[dev:846]( 10:34:46.085[error]( status code: 429, reason phrase: Too Many Requests
With help from @calinatl Updated via HPM and added doorbell driver in. You'll need to change package settings to have the DoorBell child driver added. Then you can save prefs and it should pull in the Door bell.
It changes status to released after 60 seconds from the pushed status. But ... this should be time enough to change and have rules fire for it. If another push is done with the 60-seconds, the statue won't change and also will reset the 60-second timer to go to released state.
I do not have that Doorbell to test, so it may or may not work fully.
@x86cpu : Just another thank you for updating this driver.
Abode Users: While many advanced users probably have Hubitat automations that pick up data that reports to the Abode timeline, the HUGE differentiator with @x86cpu 's new driver is that it is picking up indoor motion sensor triggers AT ALL TIMES, even when your Abode system mode is in Standby or any other mode where you have the motion sensors set to not trigger an alarm.
In those modes, motion caught by motion sensors does not go to the visibile Abode timeline. Since there was nothing in the visible Abode timeline to pick up, using the Abode motion sensors to trigger Hubitat automations required unreliable clunky workarounds with CUE automation and extra equipment. @x86cpu has figured out how to capture motion sensor trigger events so you can use the Abode motions sensors to reliably trigger HE automations even when those same motion sensors are set to not trigger an Abode Alarm and thus don't show in the visible timeline.
Also of note is that this driver picks up data from both the MultiSensor and the Humidity/Temp/Lux sensor which previously was also not available in the visible Abode Timeline, and had very limited availability in CUE. Now you can use HE robust rule machine to write automations based on this data. From what I can discern, it reports:
Humidity reported at each RH increment of 1%
Illuminance reported at each lux increment of 1
Temperature reported concurrently with each RH report, or approx every 0.2 F change in temp.
A note of warning - test your humidity sensor prior to deploying it in a rule. When I tested mine for 2 weeks next to 4 other sensors, the Abode sensor was low by more than 10% compared to the others which were all within 2% of each other. It remained more than 10% low in a salt test.
Not yet, no. I do have another release I've been testing so I may release it soon as it tries to fix some null checks (not sure if this is fixed or not). I also had a smoke alarm go off, so I was able to I think catch that device event to target Abode smoke detectors. (No glass yet). But if a glass goes off it should trigger something in the event timeline which I can use for association with devices.
@x86cpu - wanted to update the above and see if you have any ideas on a fix
FINALLY figured out that the above entries align exactly to when the Abode Temp, Humid & Light sensor, which is paired as an Abode MultiSensor, updates. Specifically, only when the sensor updates WITHOUT a change on the high limit of the lux reading. This explains why the errors only occur only between about 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
If the sensor updates between 4:30 pm and 8:30 am, it always updates with Humidity, then Temperature, then Lux values, usually (not always) in that order. Even if there is no change in Lux, such as during the night, when Lux=0, the Event log has an entry for Lux = 0 at each update.
If the sensor updates after the Lux=9, and there is no decrease in Lux (which occurs between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm) the Timeline and event log entries are limited to Humidity then Temperature values; Lux is not updated. At each of these occurrences, one of the above errors occurs.
Per the Abode help page on this device:
Lighting, Humidity and Temperature Monitoring
The sensor measures illuminance, humidity and temperature to transmit measured data to the Abode Gateway.
Illuminance reading is transmitted every 30 minutes.
Humidity and temperature reading is transmitted every 10 minutes.
The sensor will also transmit signal automatically when...
The temperature changes by +/- 2°C.
Humidity changes +/- 10%.
When the current illuminance changes by +/- 10%.
You can also press the 'Function' button once to transmit current reading manually.
The above does not align with my experience. The device seemingly transmits upon a 1% change in humidity, a 1 unit change in lux, a 0.4 F degree change in temperature (1.5 degree C?) and otherwise every 30 minutes.
Is there a solution that would eliminate this error?
I used Package Manager to install the Abode 2024 app, however after installation the app doesn’t appear in my list of apps. It’s not in the User Apps list either.
Package Manager shows that the app is installed. I’ve tried “uninstalling” and reinstalling from scratch, but it still won’t appear.
Hoping I’m missing something super obvious, but I just can’t figure it out
I sent a PM on this, but the new version released should fix this (I hope). I have a LM/lux and do not see any null events for that. My LM device as well only transmits on changed intervals and where I have it it hardly changes at all (dark, temp/humidity controlled), so I only see changes sometimes 10 times/day total.
Thank you. I followed your instructions and was able to get the parent device working.
How do I expose the child devices, like contact and motion sensors? The parent device has so far only created one child device, which shows the current alarm state.
First would be to see if you have the preference set to create the child devices. The save preferencess.
If that does not work, ensure all child devices are installed. (See driver code to check ... It should list a couple Abode sensors). After that make sure you are logged in. If so, save preferences again and that should check what sensors you have.