[RELEASE] A bunch of various integrations (no longer maintained)

Started getting this error occasionally with Litter Robot Driver

dev:2602020-05-20 06:15:30.135 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hours for class: java.lang.Long on line 200 (monitorForceClean)

dev:2602020-05-20 07:00:30.151 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hours for class: java.lang.Long on line 200 (monitorForceClean)

Interesting, I see what is causing it, it's a feature of Groovy I haven't seen before. I'll take a look at it tomorrow. It's fixable, I just need to do some reading to figure out what's going on. I'll keep you posted.

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Turns out it was just a minor little difference in how HE works from ST that I didn't know about. I just published 1.0.3 which should fix it.


I need to break these integrations up into separate threads... But it appears that HE has also broken the Kevo Plus integration. I am awaiting feedback from the HE team, but as it stands it will not work. Once I get more information from them I'll come up with a plan. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully there aren't many other affected apps :frowning:

I’ve seen a few messages about broken apps/drivers in the latest update. Do you have any specifics to what they changed to cause this?

Just downloaded the update using Hubitat Package Manager. Both my robots are being seen now. Thanks very much for the fix.


The Kevo integration is fixed if you upgrade to

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with Petnet shutting down, is there any direct integration? or is it only through the cloud?

It was through the cloud. My Petnet has been at the local garbage dump for months now. I switched to petsafe.

Dang, sorry to hear that. I went another route and decided to hack into it. I literally just completed my hack. Using a nodemcu, I can now trigger it (and I decided to be fancy and keep the button working as well). Overall a fun project

Thought about doing something with a Pi. The level of effort to do it was just too high. I got the motor connected, but the food hopper level sensor, the optical sensor to ensure the motor actually dispensed, etc. just became more work than the cost of a new feeder. Glad you got yours working for you though!

yea, i didn't even bother with those. i didn't need that level of operability. i just set up the motor and button and called it a day

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Thinking maybe Litter Robot did something that broke integration... in the logs i see

And upon trying to re-enter my credentials I see

Same user id and password works on the litter robot app and website,

Yep, I’m seeing the same thing. Last successful connect to the LR cloud server was yesterday at 2:50 pm CDT. Beginning yesterday at 2:55 pm CDT, repeated fails.

I seem to recall a notification last week to switch over to the AutoPets mobile app because the LitterRobot mobile app would cease to work, so I suspect that the API changed and perhaps also the cloud endpoint.

I can’t get the Litter-Robot Manager to reauth with my credentials either. Looks like some reverse engineering via network snooping is needed on the AutoPets app.

Nathan Spencer, who wrote the original SmartThings driver that Dominic Meglio (@dman2306) ported to Hubitat has abandoned SmartThings and has moved to Home Assistant.

I’ve been poking about in Nathan Spencer’s HA GitHub repository, but there don’t seem to be any recent changes (except for DST).

Ah... perhaps it is time to abandon my "cat has pooped" notifications.

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You know... that just might be too much information you are sharing there @brad5...


Way too funny!!! + 1

Yep. When I originally saw your post about those notifications, I put the same notifications on our Alexa, to be enabled when friends were over. I must say that it has been a conversation starter. I’m not giving up yet, but have told the cats to hold it until things are fixed.

Yeah but as @672southmain points out, it is a conversation starter! Especially when the cat then wants to snuggle with your guests.


Ugh. They changed the api significantly. I think it is fixable but don’t think I’ll have time before the weekend

Yup, looks like they want folks to move to their new app and API. I don't know...plus side? Maybe their automated feeder will use similar variables to the litter robots and we'll be able to use Hubitat for feeder integration once this is fixed?