Thank you for doing this. First time I installed I got the looping issues as described - after upgrading to the latest - all seems well. Of course things have been running smoothly so no reboots yet.
I also created a rule that notifies me on hub startup. That way I get immediate feedback if it reboots.
Let me know how it works For me, the latest version has been working normally.
I also had to add an iris v2 smart plug to my c-4 hub to detect when it red-light crashes. My c-5 hub then turns the switch off and on to reboot the hub.
All of this has been keeping things running stably at home
I have to say since I installed your app I have had 0 reboots and no lockups on my slowness prone main hub.. amazing haha. So maybe the recent HE firmware updates have had something to do with it but still...
Hi everyone! Just wanted to give a quick heads up that I’ll be traveling for the next couple weeks, and won’t be looking at the forums or doing any active development/research during that time.
I’ll do my best to get caught up again once I get back. Lots of fun ideas in the pipeline.
Glad to hear it! I’ve been gone for the last week (I’ll be out for a few days still, but hopped on to see what I’d missed).
I might have a way to improve this even more. Lots of time to think about it
I’ve been hoping to figure out why my hub has been having issues, too. I actually swapped everything I could to a local SmartThings (gasp) before I left. The local portion of that works surprisingly well.
Just a quick update. I've re-thought the app over the last couple weeks---I'm still testing the new methodology to see if a DB is still alive.
Just kidding about this part
Also. I've been able to store the login credential cookie. I'm still working through sending it. If anyone in the community, or on staff, has an idea of how to properly transmit that via asyncHTTPPost, I'd be all ears and would be happy to share what I have so far.
Edit: Of course, as soon as I post that, I figure out what I was doing wrong.
HTTP Cookies are working. @aaiyar --- Thank you for your work to get everything to this point! I'll release the next version once I can get more testing done.
0.94 is out! I'm not sure why the previous version was mislabeled as 0.94, but this is the real 0.94!
Updated timecheck
Added variablity for initialization delay
Added cookie storage/hub login support
Boot loop limiter resets automatically after a successful boot
New testing methodology (uses time-checks. If the hub takes too long to respond, it reboots)
>>>Read this<<<
You MUST edit the section between lines 54 and 98 before you use this. I can't make these settings, because it takes away the reliability of the app.
You must edit your hub IP, username, and password if you use them.
If your hub does not use a login, uncomment line 71 and comment lines 75 and 85
Tagging @anon61068208 and @aaiyar since I know you were interested in this featureset
Oh—the device test isn’t even implemented in this version—you’re not missing anything. I’m not sure where that text string got left in, but I’ll take a look. It shouldn’t impact anything.