Dashboards when remote connected are MIA for me, endless spinner and they never appear. If I leave and return to dashboard page it's still empty, but spinner is gone.
So, it appears that 245 hit the play store for the production app now. So, how does one get it to show the custom name as opposed to the e-mail. I tried digging through all the settings and did not see a way.
I am trying to figure out how to migrate to the new app from the old one... I cannot get the geofence set. It just takes me to "the geographic center of the united states" and puts a geofence there. I tried zooming way out, then zooming back in where I live and I cannot find any way to change where the geofence is located. Why is there not a button that says "use my location"? Is the answer seriously to find the exact latitude and longitude of my house and enter that into the hub settings beforehand?
Another question:
I want the presence detection to be done on my old C5 hub. But when I open the app and go to devices I want it to show my C7 hub... is there a way to do that?
EDIT: It looks like I have to manually drag the location pin from the center of the US to where I live... that seems a little weird.
Next issue... the app says I am inside the geofence but the device on the hub still says not present.
I had not used the new Android app much due to the constant need to log in on the first version. Appreciate that being fixed! Thank you.
A few questions in order of priority (to me):
In the devices section, the devices are automatically listed by room, which is great. However, the order of the rooms seems to be random. Can it please sort alpha numerically with the exact same sort parameters as in the online / desktop access (and the old app)? Or is there a way to order the sort that I am missing?
Is there a way to set the app to open directly to the devices section?
For those of us who do not use Geofence, HSM or modes, is there a way to hide that?
This was not fixed for me until I created a new hubitat account using a different e-mail. Just out of curiosity, Are you running multiple copies of the app using the same e-mail login?
Can't answer the other two questions. But, if you hit the gear icon in the upper right, then home page settings, you can toggle on/off the different sections
For the devices section, I don't think you can have it open to that page. BUT, you can add items to favorites so they show on the main opening screen. (They appear to populate in the order you added them)
Just out of curiosity, Are you running multiple copies of the app using the same e-mail login?
No, only one copy of the app on an Android. All other access via the web interface.
if you hit the gear icon in the upper right, then home page settings, you can toggle on/off the different sections
THANK YOU! The gear icon is so light on my screen I did not see it was there until you pointed it out and I looked for it and it is barely visible but there. Probably needs more contrast, but that is exactly what I was looking for.
BUT, you can add items to favorites so they show on the main opening screen.
Yes, I did that. In combo with edits from the settings screen you led me to, it's doing what I need. Getting rid of the stuff I don't use on the home screen yield sufficient screen real estate for sufficient favorites, so I don't have as much need for the dashboard.
FWIW, my dashboards are still inaccessible when I'm connected remotely over mobile data (endless progress spinner on Dashboard tab in app). On local network they show up fine.
Swiping upon the app to close it from the open apps list seemed to work for a moment, dashboards showed up.
Went to another tab and came back and they were gone.
Did a full force close and all dashboards were MIA again, spinning progress. Put the app in the background and returned to it after a bit and went to the DB tab and dashboards appeared.
Put it into the backgrournd and swiped it upwards to close, relaunched the app and dashboards were MIA again, "endless" progress spinner. Interestingly, normally it's the hubitat progress spinner on a black background, this time it's on a white background. After about 45s to 60s the dashboards did finally reappear again.
Going to force stop and clear cache and see if that makes it any more stable.
There seems to be a pattern w/the black vs. white background. I selected the dashboard tab (after restarting app after force close/cache clear) and for 30s it was progress spinner on black background in app.
At 30s it switched to spinner on white background in app.
At 1m 45s dashboards showed up.
Everything else via internet is popping up/working very quickly on phone and computer (I'm on WI-Fi at father's house). Favorites and devices in app show up consitently/normally, so appears to be a dashboard-specific issue in the app.