Relay switch w/smart bulb

hello everyone,

i currently have multiple smart bulbs on the exterior of my house that are controlled with rules and voice through Google.

to make my wife and kids life easier, i wanted to toss in a smart light switch to do the same function but i couldnt source a black switch (again, wife's happiness.)
purchased a Zooz relay to keep current switch but have some concerns.

firstly, i leave all the power on to the smart bulbs to not interrupt or cause connection issues, with this being a regular on/off switch with a relay, will that interfere with anything?

also, rules, with the switch with the relay being in the off position, will that bulb not be able to run the rule? or does the relay turn the switch into more of a "button" than "switch?"

for what its worth~C-8 Pro & the switch is on a three way circuit.

Which relay did you buy from Zooz? Their double (Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Long Range Double Relay ZEN52 LR - The Smartest House) and dry contact (Zooz 700 Series Z-Wave Long Range Dry Contact Relay ZEN51 LR - The Smartest House) both have a smart bulb mode. This would keep the power on for the bulbs at all time and basically turn the switch into a button.

i bought the dry contact.

i looked over the instructions and it said nothing about a smart bulb mode. would i see that in hubitat (once installed)?

I think you need to install some advance drivers ([DRIVER] Zooz Relays Advanced (ZEN16, ZEN17, ZEN51, ZEN52)) to get that option within Hubitat. When you first install it, the device will most likely come in as a switch. If you install @jtp10181's drivers, you'll get the option to enable smart bulb mode.

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Yes with my driver as mentioned you will get all the settings the device has.

I think you will want to set it this way:

Doing that you can turn the switch into more of a button like you mentioned. The power will always stay on to the bulbs and you will have to control them with rules based on the events from the relay.

I have something sort of similar setup with my basement stairs lights using a ZEN51 on a 3-way, and when I toggle the switch it turns on all the basement lights that are connected to zigbee relays.

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perfect, thank you!
so with that i will be able to run my rule and still use the toggle to turn on and off all ten of my smart&wifi lights connected through hubitat.

thats exactly what i was looking for.
thanks again!