Refresh needed for status update Switch ZEN16/17 - Anyone else experiencing this?

C-8 Pro controlling ZEN 16 and ZEN 17 multirelays.

I'm having a somewhat weird thing happen - I have a basic dashboard that includes some switches that are the child devices of ZEN16 and ZEN17 multirelays. I'm using the stock drivers in all cases. I'm noticing that when I turn a switch on or off with the dashboard the command sends and executes, but I just get the hourglass icon on the dashboard. If I go to the device child page, the status will show that I didn't change it (i.e. if I had turned the switch on, it will still say off), but if I hit 'Refresh,' the status will update correctly.

Is anyone else experiencing anything like this with these devices? Here is a log snip (8:39:53 I turned it on, 8:40:08 I hit Refresh):


What platform version are you on?

is this is a new wrinkle that starting happening in a previously working (established) 16/17 setup, or is this all a new 16/17 setup?

Perhaps not directly releated, but I'd encourage you to consider using Jeff's very excellent Zooz relay driver for the 16/17.

That, plus:
Are these the new 800LR models?
Did you try doing a controlled shutdown, wait 30 sec, then cycle power thing?
Or a reboot/w rebuild?

I don't know for sure if it's new or not, tbh - I just don't remember. This is a winter-only use case (it's acting as a humidistat) and I can't recall if it behaved like this last year or not.

No - these are all 700s


I'll give Jeff's drivers a shot. I use most of his drivers for other things, but I had never needed any functionality beyond what the stock ones provided, so I hadn't bothered for these ones. Will report back.

How about restarting your browser, etc?

That's a Beta version, right?
Perhaps the Beta group is where you should be asking this.
Unless I'm wrong.

On the one hand, yes it is beta, on the other hand, these drivers and basic switches/dashboards haven't been touched in a long time, so it didn't seem like a beta problem.

OK, thank you for the suggestions (and thanks as always to @jtp10181). His driver fixed it.

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Without giving away too much Beta info here in the clear, I'm wondering if this issue may be related to the Beta's new "retry" feature.

Mods, please move this thread if we've wandered too far into Beta stuff or if folks smarter than me determine this may indeed be Beta-related.

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Have no idea what you're talking about, lol.

I have read the LR versions of 16 and 17, which are calling out to me for some unknown reason, are trickier, presently at least.

Tweaking some the sensor/switch options in the 800 models requires excluding/re-including to get set (LR or mesh), which risks additonal chances of creating ghosts.

But once set, they're fine. Both of my 800 Z17s out in my detached garage are paired LR, and both have been 100% reliable -- they've been out there since late '23.

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Not sure what in my driver fixed it but glad it worked. I have 2x ZEN17 and one ZEN16 sitting on my desk for a reason. Complete with jumper wires so I can close the switches on demand. Heavily tested drivers for those complicated things.

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