Rediscover zigbee device

Zigbee devices all have a persistent unique ID that Hubitat uses to link the physical Zigbee device to the 'Hubitat Device' you see and interact with on the Hub and in Apps.

As such, Zigbee devices can simply be reset (on the physical device itself), and the Paired with the Hubitat hub again. The device will 'pop' back into the same 'Hubitat Device' it was using previously, and all Apps will just continue to work.

The Xiaomi devices are notoriously problematic in this way, due to them not being fully Zigbee HA1.2 compliant. However, many users have found methods to keep them stable on their Zigbee mesh networks.

You may want to look into using @markus' drivers for these devices as he's done some work to improve their reliability.