I have the old GE wall z-wave switches and you can't factory reset them. I'm looking for a newer version of some kind of fan wall switch. Any Suggestions?
I have the homeseer fc-200 and works great, but if you have other GE switches and want them to match, get the honeywell/jasco switch.
I had the same question recently and ended up buying the Inovelli LZW36 for reasons explained below
A bit of info that I gathered when I was looking at this for myself . . .
- Most (all) of the wall-switch style Z-wave fan controllers are for AC motor fans - they are generally not compatible with DC motor (newer style) fans. If you have a DC motor fan, the "best" you can do at this time (I think) is to have a simple binary switch to turn the fan on/off, but then use the fan's remote to adjust speed. Otherwise, you have to use something like the Bond Home controller to control its speeds (there's a driver that interfaces Bond to Hubitat).
- If your fan has both an (AC) motor and light, and you only have two power wires (black/white) to the fan, you might consider the Inovelli LZW36 - it has a canopy-mounted module that allows control of both the fan motor and light from the wall switch.
- If your fan has both a light and AC motor, but you have 3 power wires (black/red/white), to the fan, then you could put both a dimmer and a separate fan controller in the wall box (if you have the room) to separately control the light / motor.
- For AC motor fans, there is a new controller from Lutron (ZW4SF-1BW) that includes the 700 series chip. That may give you a bit better range which, to me, is worth the extra few $ compared to an older controller. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GQJWSRG/?coliid=I19TY1GPU88C5U&colid=20E5JGA7ZVNN1&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
Yes I have the lwz36 as well and its awesome, but you have to pull the fan down to install.
I also have a dc fan in my master bedroom and just use a inovelli red switch to turn power on off to it and never change the speed.
100% Inovelli to replace the GEs! I like them so much, I'm going to pull wire to the switch boxes where I only have a hot circuit switch for the fan....
I can't find the Inovelli fan switch anywhere. What's a model number?
The ZW4SF is a Leviton Product using the 700 Series Chipset.