Recommend compatible smoke / CO detector

The title kind of says it all. I am looking for recommendations for compatible smoke and CO detectors. I am looking for something to replace hardwired detectors that are dumb, I know I can get WiFi / cloud based smart detectors but I want something that does NOT require cloud services.

I’ve pretty much given up on smart smoke detectors.

These days I much prefer to add a listener device to the dumb smoke/CO detector of my choosing.

The ecolink firefighter is a good example:

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I wasn't aware there were non cloud listeners. I have Echo devices with Alexa Guard as listeners right now, but I would have to have a fire break out away from home while AWS is having an outage...

Yup, ring makes one too that also uses z-wave, so that can pair with the hub as well.

Ecolink firefighter comes in a zigbee flavor too. But something’s up with that version, @mike.maxwell was working on a driver but the device wouldn’t behave as it was supposed to.

The z-wave version, however, works great with the hub.

I'll try to steer clear of Ring after they locked us more or less out of the Spotlight / Floodlight camera features except for their cloud implementations... Kind of left a bad taste in my mouth for them...

I am using the ZSMOKE and older version on this.

This. If you search the prior threads asking for recommended smoke/CO detectors, you'll see the Ecolink FireFighter suggested. I used one of these to also get alerts into Hubitat when I replaced the 6 interconnnected detectors in my house. And it avoids intertwining my safety critical system (Smoke/CO detector) into my home automation in any way.

If the hardwired detectors have interconnection wire (usually red), can get an official relay depending on which brand for around $15 (it's probably a 110V powered 9V trigger relay inside) and connect the output wires to a Z-wave/Zigbee dry contact relay (e.g. Zooz16/17) and you added z-wave/zigbee trigger to the detectors. You only need 1 relay for all detectors if they're interconnected unless you want to know which specific one goes off.
The hardwired detectors will stay working as they should.


The house currently only has 3 detectors. I am planning on adding a detector to each bedroom. It wasn't required by code when the house was built but I want it...

The hardwired detectors are front entryway / kitchen, main bedroom hallway, and dining room immediately next to master sutie door.

They are hardwired dual sensor models.

The house is all electric but has a wood burning fireplace.

I am planning on adding to each bedroom a battery operated dual sensor detector.

After our February deep freeze this year, I want battery operated CO detectors by the fireplace, in the kitchen so I can use a propane stove indoors reasonably safely, and in the guest bedroom which is attached to the bathroom so we can use a propane heater to keep at least one space warm enough to keep from freezing safely.

So yeah, some add ons in progress to be sure.

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Since my detectors are interconnected, I only needed 1 of the Ecolink FF devices to be able to detect if any of the alarms go off.

Jumping on the Ecolink FF listener bandwagon. I have one and have tested it. Picks up and alerts VERY quickly. Highly recommend it versus replacing your current detectors.

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Wow. Who would have thunk it… I was just thinking the other day that there should be some device that could listen for a siren… Thanks for sharing this!

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Just FWIW, if you have Amazon Echo devices, you CAN enable Alexa Guard which functions as a listener for sirens, and breaking glass.

But it is cloud dependent and I am trying to get away from that after being shut out from Iris and ADT Smartthings.

The cloud is just somebody else's computer and they can kill the services you depend on simply by turning it off.

Cloud has a time and a place, but for anything you need to depend on, forget it.

Could users of the Ecolink confirm whether these are effective beyond the 6 inches from the emitting detector the manual states? I have a set of interconnected Nest Protects, but I also have a series of non-connected smoke detectors in each of the bedrooms. I was hoping an Ecolink in the hallway outside the bedrooms could pick up the non-connected smoke detectors in the bedrooms.

Nope, that probably won’t work.


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