Recent discovery of excellent Dim/CCT

I'm always looking for Zigbee Dimmable/ ColorTemp bulbs. Recently I discovered this (which can be found on Amazon):

I've tested them pretty heartily - they are really top notch at $9.25 a piece.
The dimming will accept values down to 1% but like almost every other bulb it's more about 8%. The colortemp is really nice and accurate to me!
Also - i discovered this at Home Depot - another option ; for $4.99 ea - a steal!
I haven't received them to test but can't argue with the price!

Finally I tried like crazy to get LinkInd dim/cct a19. ($12.99 for 2) If you go down that road, you learn they can't be acquired in the US because they aren't yet approved. They are available in Europe - but you get the e27 base (27mm vs the 26mm [e26]). As some already know but I'm sharing - USA e26 sockets can accept a e27 OR e26 bulb as it was built into the specification.

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I'm using about a dozen of the Ecosmart bulbs, both A19 and BR30. I've had no issues with them at all. And at $5 each, the price can't be beat.

I use them with these switch covers, to prevent their power from being cut.

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Are the ecosmart ZLL or zigbee 3.0? I've always had bad luck with their stuff...

honestly I don't know. Besides reading the box - is there a detection method for devices?

The manual says the wireless protocol is Zigbee 3.0.

How can I tell from the paired device? It says Controller Type: ZGB and model Ecosmart-ZBT-A19-CCT-Bulb and Ecosmart-ZBT-BR30-CCT-Bulb

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The sengled bulbs I mentioned are listed at as Zigbee 3.0. So thats good :slight_smile:

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Probably could find out at the zigbee alliance if they're registered. I wouldn't recommend them if they're ZLL unless you put them on their own hub. Sengleds are fine.