Thought I'd open a new thread (old thread link) on this driver because there has been some recent interest and I've accepted a merge request which added SVG and Emoji outputs to the driver.
Available via HPM or github at
Driver can be set to automatically refresh image at sunset or be used on demand for the current or a requested date/time (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format).
Outputs are:
- HTML with an image suitable for dashboard display
- Link to image only
- Phase Emoji
- Generated SVG image (which should be closer to the "live view" than the static images)
Excellent! And thanks as always for your amazing apps and drivers.
A few observations worth noting:
The moonPhaseSvg graphic draws the calculated moon phase at 18x higher resolution (compared with traditional lunar charts**) thus should more closely reflect actual viewing conditions at any given time. This <SVG> output should be directly usable within a (classic) Dashboard tile of type Attribute (thus works with remote connections).
The moonPhase attribute can now be used more easily to trigger (or restrict) rules, since its preset values will appear as a pick list – instead of typing free-form text:
Ditto the moonPhaseEmoji values, which (also being Strings) are well suited for use in custom Notifications:
**This essentially means the SVG graphic should update every ~4 hours vs. the standard 3.5 days!
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