[Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

Thank you! Worked like a charm! I love me some Hubitat!

Glad I read this thread. In the process of setting up a hubitat, initially for outdoor motion lighting and intrusion alerts but thinking about smoke /co also. If the Zcombo smoke/co doesnt interconnect it won't meet most local codes, except as a purely additional device. It had occurred to me that the interconnect wire on a hard wired smoke should provide an ac hot rail to turn the others on and could be used with ac detection to get notification in hubitat. the relay module (either BRK or KIDDE) is a simple inexpensive solution. I have plenty of ecolink door sensors that have the external connection to be set up with one. I also have some Wyze cameras which have the smoke audio detection built in which would require an IFTTT push.

Zooz has a multirelay that works with the BRK/Kidde relay module (it actually does many other things).

Interesting device, as you say many uses. Always good to know about special devices to have in the arsenal. I just got the Zooz v2 outdoor motion but yet to install.

Upon request of @bfara83, I've merged a large piece of code that was being worked on previously to add support for snapshots.

See: Add Snapshots Code by ardichoke · Pull Request #4 · ardichoke/hubitat_ring_integration · GitHub

Will be bumping the HPM version number later tonight most likely.


I just tried to install the re-release package via Package Manager and I received the following error:

" Error Occurred During Installation

An error occurred while installing the package: Failed to install app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ardichoke/hubitat_ring_integration/master/src/apps/unofficial-ring-connect.groovy. Please notify the package developer.."

I tried with just the Virtual API driver by itself and again with a camera but but gave me the same error.

Package Manager is pretty straightforward so I assume I'm making a noob mistake?

What are "snapshots" in this context? Thx!

Im having the same issue, no matter what sensors I try to add. Im not sure if its something Im doing wrong, but there isnt much to do wrong once Package manager is up and running :slight_smile:

After getting the same error in HPM, I tried to manually import the main app and got the following error:

unexpected token: === @ line 876, column 1.

Yeah, sorry about that, I missed some merge conflicts. Should be fixed now.

Thanks Ardichoke - Just updated and can confirm that its all good now.

Actually, it's only partially fixed -_-

Merging large, old commits is hard. I'm working on trying to fix it properly, but it's going to be a hot minute here.

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Okay, PSA: don't merge old branches while tired and distracted.

I had to go back and wipe out the changes I committed yesterday, start fresh. The new code is now merged and I've verified it installs and seems to work fine. For those asking, the snapshots code, as best I can tell (again, I didn't write it, it was dev work that had been done prior to Ben yanking the project) just pulls snapshots from Ring cameras on a specified interval for use on dashboards.


Ah, cool, thanks!!!

I really do think the Ring integration is a HUGE thing.

It's hard to separate "home automation" from "home security'.

They really do go well together--as the events in the "security" side really are critical events for automation: turning on lights, possibly unlocking doors (for CO and fire, so you can be rescued).

Additionally, the sensors that are critical for security are useful for automation.

Conversely, being able to arm/disarm the security system from automation (using keypads on door locks, "bed time" buttons, etc.) are very useful.

Thus, I don't know how I'd do automation without having it deeply tied to a security system.

So, I greatly appreciate all the work on this integration. :slight_smile:

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Is anyone else having issues with their Ring Alarm Integration? I’m on 0.3.1 and even though it says it is successfully logged in, it doesn’t send or receive commands. (I cannot arm, disarm or lock/unlock doors. It doesn’t detect the state of sensors, etc.)

I am getting the following errors:
2020-08-30 11:17:16.001 errorjava.lang.Exception: No response data exists for async request on line 1614 (responseHandler)

I have an older static version (not updating with HPM) on another hub and that one works great, leading me to believe that there is an issue with version 0.3.1...

Edit: I installed the app from HPM to a new hub and it works without issues. Not sure what is wrong with the installation on my main hub... Will continue to debug, but input is welcome!

Edit 2: Well, after doing a few initialize, refresh, discover, etc. It’s working again. Very odd... Regardless, I’m VERY happy it is working again. :smiley:

@Sebastien thanks for pointing that out.

Anyone who has a Ring alarm hub and upgrades to the latest version, you'll likely need to remove your Ring Alarm Hub then go to Discover Devices in the Ring Connect app and add it again. I'm not entirely sure why, part of the growing pains of taking over a fairly large app from someone else blindly. Learning it as I go.


A quick thank you for being willing to take on the project!


I concur with SteveZ, this is one piece of my system that would be hard to walk away from...

For the last few days, mine hasn't worked right, I will try removing the Hub device and re-add it and go from there

God Speed

The only Ring device I have is a Doorbell(and it's motion sensor and camera). Something I would like to do is if that doorbell senses motion and it's nighttime, then turn on all the outside front lights on the house.

...That's something I should look into.