[Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

My Ring integration, which had been working fine, now appears broken. The log shows this error:

Any suggestions? Thanks.

Feature Request
I recently installed 2 Ring Floodlight Cam Wired Pros installed on the back corners of my home. I've created schedules in the Ring App to disable the lights when I'm outside at night so they're not constantly turning on and off. Is it possible to expose enabling/disabling a light schedule to a smart switch so I could use Hubitat to enable the schedule, thereby disabling the lights, for a set period of time using Rule Machine?

OK, sorry if the answer is already in this tread. I have tried searching and reading through a bunch a posts.

I have been using the Ring Integration for a while now with no problems. Recently it disconnected from the Ring Server/Un-logged in. I cannot figure out how to re-log in.

I dont recall if there is an app that shows up in the app page of hubitat or just the devices in the devices page?. I currently only have devices.

I have tried the repair function on HPM, Using the "Add User App" function in the apps section but when I do the 2 step authentication I get an error that it is already setup.

What am I doing wrong? Is there instructions on how to "reconnect/re-login?


Apps -> Unofficial Ring Connect -> Log into Your Ring Account

Thanks, I do not have "Unofficial Ring Connect" app in my app page, it disappeared and I guess that is the problem. Any idea on how to get it back?

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Use hubitat package manager

I have tried the repair function on HPM, Using the "Add User App" function in the apps section but when I do the 2 step authentication I get an error that it is already setup.

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What about removing the ring app, rebooting the hub, then reinstalling via hpm. (also make sure you dont have popup blockers of javascript blockers on your browser) and use firefox or chrome.


Not that I can see. That feature seems to only be exposed in the Android app, not the web interface. I have to be able to see the network traffic to implement it.

Something is wrong with the install. The 'simpleRequest' function doesn't exist anymore and definitely isn't being called by any of the code in the latest version.

Did you originally install this integration manually and then do a 'Match Up' in HPM? If so, then my best guess is that one or more of the apps/drivers didn't get paired up correctly. Could you check if there are duplicate names in the 'Apps Code' or 'Drivers Code' lists?

Looks like one or more of your drivers didn't get updated completely by HPM. Try doing an HPM repair.

I tried the HPM repair (twice), but I'm still seeing the error:

I'd suggest taking the manual route and removing the app code and device code, then re-installing

Thanks matching up helped. :raised_hand:

I figured it was a long-shot due to the limitations Ring has with their external access, but thought it was worth floating out there.

Thanks for the great work and support!

Matching up also solved my issue, even though Ring Integration was already listed in HPM.

Let me first say, thank you for a great application and it works as expected, allowing me to change Ring State from Home to DisArm and back!

However, I am getting the following log error message when I invoke the Ring System device's refresh() command to insure that Hubitat has the current Ring System State.

2022-07-04 06:23:44.213 pm [error]( Cannot invoke method keySet() on null object on line 235 (method refresh)

Line 235 is: final Set zidsToRefresh = zid == null ? state.hubs.keySet() : [zid]

and zid is apparently null calling the state.hubs.keySet().

I have performed the HPM repair and have the current version of the app and devices. I also do not see a state.hubs variable in the device info.

Any thoughts what is causing this error?

Do you have at least one alarm hub or lighting bridge selected in the app? If not, then I think that's what's causing the error message. I'm currently testing a small change to fix it.

Just a Video Doorbell, Security Cameras and a Ring Chime Pro. All are integrated devices in HE.

None of those devices needs the Ring API virtual device to work. Ideally that device wouldn't be created until it is needed. I don't have time to do that right now, so for now I changed it to print out a warning message instead of erroring out.