[Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

Has there been any thought about exposing Z-Wave thermostats connected directly to the Ring Alarm Hub to HE via this app? I originally had two thermostats controlled directly via HE for the scheduling capability, but the WAF was low and she preferred using the Ring app to directly manage the thermostats, at the cost of losing scheduling capabilities. If I could keep the direct-access via Ring, but still let HE do automation via virtual thermostats, that'd be awesome! :smile:

Maybe look at getting something like the ecobee--and trying the integration?

I have amazing schedules on my (original v1) ecobee--so I haven't even tried the integration. But, that might get you the WAF and cool features. :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried to use the "Play Text" for a Chime Pro in this app? I would like to use it to give me some alerts for open doors etc. (Beep and Play Ding work as expected.)


I can't seem to get it to work. If I put some text in the Text field I get the error below and the text never saves.

That would be sweet

But, I don't believe they actually support that capability.

Since I can't even get chime devices to ring differently for my different doorbells (using only Ring), I think they very limited.

I suspect that is an "unimplemented" feature.

Any solutions to the following errors?

Looks like a snapshot image error. Have you tried setting it up again? Are you sure the camera is setup for snapshots?

Yeah, it polls every 30 seconds. I mean it works about 95% of the time for me (ring connect 2) It's almost like it goes to sleep (hard wired) and the app can't reach it

It could also be that the server times out for some reason (too much traffic?). Have you tried polling less often to see if that makes a difference?

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I can give that a whirl


I'm in the community now, how would I go about getting access to the repo? Is that something that @ardichoke needs to do?

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Hi. Since the last update of the Ring integration I have lost my flood and freeze sensor with HE. I tried removing from Ring and re-adding it back, however I continue to see the following warning in the logs and the device no longer shows up under my location. Any thoughts?

    dev:7052021-08-20 10:38:56.013 am warnCouldn't find device Sump Pump of type     
    sensor.flood-freeze with zid 9183ecf6-bbe5-433b-96ca-f1922bc40eb9
    dev:7052021-08-20 10:38:56.009 am debugsendUpdate(deviceInfo)
    dev:7052021-08-20 10:38:56.006 am tracecreated deviceInfo: {
    "deviceType": "sensor.flood-freeze",
    "src": "63b285a3-63a1-45cb-47bc-b29787564e12",
    "msg": "DeviceInfoDocGetList",
    "eventOccurredTsMs": null,
    "level": null,
    "affectedEntityType": "asset",
    "affectedEntityId": "63b285a3-63a1-45cb-47bc-b29787564e12",
    "affectedEntityName": null,
    "accountId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "assetId": "63b285a3-63a1-45cb-47bc-b29787564e12",
    "assetKind": "base_station_v1",
    "lastUpdate": 1629473038126,
    "lastCommTime": 1629473037998,
    "nextExpectedWakeup": 1629521638023,
    "adapterType": "zwave",
    "zid": "9183ecf6-bbe5-433b-96ca-f1922bc40eb9",
    "roomId": 8,
    "serialNumber": "BHFF11924EL024918",
    "fingerprint": "838.1281.257",
    "manufacturerName": "Ring",
    "tamperStatus": "ok",
    "name": "Sump Pump",
    "acStatus": null,
    "batteryLevel": 99,
    "batteryStatus": "full",
    "signalStrength": [
            "nodeId": 1,
            "quality": "ok",
            "rssi": -55.0,
            "status": "valid",
            "zid": "0564400e-0b2e-4d79-b9f2-db560cef5885"
"firmware": "10.25",
"hardwareVersion": "2",
"deviceName": null,
"roomName": null,
"state": {
    "faulted": false,
    "flood": {
        "faulted": false
    "freeze": {
        "faulted": false


If you were to revert back does that fix it? Wondering if it's an update issue or a deeper Ring issue.

I will give it a shot.

Is there a quick way to just rollback a released package in package manager? Or do I have to roll my entire instance back?

I don't think so, my personal approach would be to pull the older version of the files from the github that were updated (just a few - 3 filed were updated). But I guess you could also restore one of your HE backups instead.

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I restored those 3 files to their previous versions and my sensor still did not show up. Same error in my log. Must be something else going on within ring or more likely my instance. I can't say for certain when it went away, I do know it was there at some point as I had it included in some monitoring. Oh well. Thanks for your help.

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Very odd, and are you seeing the same error? Do the logs show the devices showing up when you do a "create devices" on the " Ring Virtual Alarm Hub" device page? I'm wondering if something about those devices changes so the app just can't find the device it used to see, v.s. unable/able to find the device if it thinks it's new. Not sure if that is helpful.

I see no errors in the log when I do a create devices from the virtual alarm hub. I do see the error when I do an initialize from the virtual API device however (the location).

Not sure what the issue was, but I completely removed my ring integration and re-added it back and the freeze-flood sensor showed back up....



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