[Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

I'd suggest making sure you have all 3 of these drivers installed;

ring-virtual-light-with-siren.groovy - Floodlight Cam, Spotlight Cam
ring-virtual-light.groovy - Spotlight Cam Battery (A few devices where the siren call is different and I haven't reverse engineered it yet.)
ring-virtual-camera-with-siren.groovy - Indoor Cam, Stick Up Cam

Also, mind turn on logging before you do discovery?
Perhaps your Spotlight is newer and is coming up with a new name?

Newer name was the issue, came up as spotlightw_v2 so added the below and all good.

"spotlightw_v2": [name: "Ring Spotlight Cam Wired", driver: "Ring Virtual Light with Siren", dingable: true],


I swear I had tried this... but this worked... Thank you!

Hello, another question. Trying to use RM to dis/arm ring. Reading through various past posts, I know I can use HSM sync for this but would like to directly control ring from the rule. I don't see any options on how to do this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edit: I don't give up. Found more posts and the answer within one. Never thought of looking at "Actuator" in a custom action.

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For the benefit of other and future seekers of that solution, mind posting how you did it?

The steps I followed to do this myself are here in the original Ring integration thread:


That would be the way. Thanks for posting.

Is there any way to manually poll for a new snapshot?

As far as I know, that feature was not part of the original implementation. Would be a great addition though, if someone has the ability to add it!

I made a quick test.

In the app code I added a input for a switch and subscribed the the switch attribute. Then in the handlermethod i called prepSnapshots().

It worked, but there was a 15 second delay because of the code in prepSnapshots().
I also tried getSnapshots() but that didn't do anything.

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This is great! @ardichoke maintains the repository, in the first post, he indicates how you can share your contribution to the repository (if you haven’t already...). :smiley:

Could you add in a device type for “Wiredspotlightsirenlights”: [name: "spotlightw_v2", driver: "Ring Generic Camera with Siren", dingable: true], please its the same camera as the battery cam just wired. (With siren and lights). Thanks

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Which device is this? There's already a device defined for the Ring Spotlight Cam Wired (hp_cam_v2). Can you make sure you have the Ring Virtual Light With Siren driver installed and check if it works for you?

Unfortunately the device doesnt get found hence I pulled this from the event logs. it returns as a spotlightw_v2 in the event log. Its the same camera as the hp_cam_v2 but as it returns a different id type presume it also needs adding. Many thanks

I had the same issue, go back a few posts and you'll see mine, I added the below to resolve it, either it is a newer device or maybe region specific :slight_smile:

"spotlightw_v2": [name: "Ring Spotlight Cam Wired", driver: "Ring Virtual Light with Siren", dingable: true],

Thanks, sorry I missed your message. Free time has been scarce lately. I'll get this added hopefully today.

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I added this yesterday and tagged an updated version for HPM.


My rules based on ring sensor stopped working sometime ago and I was troubleshooting it. Looks like sensors stop getting updates on 09/29.

The web socket in the virtual device says 'disconnected', could that be the issue?

I would assume that this is the issue. Have you tried reconnecting? Not sure the best way, but I would start with an “Initialize” then “Refresh”.

My web socket does say “connected” and I have no issues.

Yes, I was connected. I had checked before posting my issue on here. But I went thru the steps of logging in once again just to make sure. That hadn't help then, web sockets was still disconnected.

But I just checked, looks like web socket reconnected overnight and now sensors are getting updated.

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