[RE-RELEASE] EcoWitt and Wittboy Weather Stations And Sensors (Local)

No, I'm talking about the soil sensors, specifically the soil sensor humidity reading that the gateway does. Which is not reliable. I'm trying to be as susinct as possible by just talking about the soil sensor humidity calculations, so I don't want to bring in battery readings or temp readings from the gateway or pressure readings that fluctuate randomly also because someone will discuss those. So to try to make my point clearer, I'm talking about the soil sensor. The soil sensor is a capacitive probe that reads voltage and sends that pure data, only if there is moisture change, however if there is no moisture change, it's not raining, it's been dry for a while, it doesnt send data. However the Ecowitt gateway decides inspite of this, the humidity percentage has changed by 1% or 2% and sends that to the Hubitat which I regard as spamming and unecessary.
To give you some background for many years I've been using the maestro @iharyadi's soil sensor solution. Which was very reliable, essentialy the same capacitive moisture sensor, and sent reliable voltage readings. I would prefer just to receive the voltage readings from the soil sensors and calculate the humidity percentage myself, because at the moment I'm not able to look at or understand the data the Ecowitt thinks is the humidity percentage, I can live with it, but it's not good for my OCD.