Raspberry PI Image for Homebridge + Node-Red

I added node-red-[start|stop|restart|reload] into the Image.

pi@homebridge:~$  ls -l /usr/bin/node-*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  328 Jul 12 08:18 /usr/bin/node-red-log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   54 Jul 12 08:18 /usr/bin/node-red-reload
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   99 Jul 12 08:18 /usr/bin/node-red-restart
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3419 Jul 12 08:18 /usr/bin/node-red-start
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  228 Jul 12 08:18 /usr/bin/node-red-stop

And hb-config also added:

Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 7.54.04 AM


I actually meant hb-config in the pre-built Homebridge image (the one that is run to install node-red), but this is great!

To build this newer image, I ran hb-config.. which has 3 menu items to update HB pieces. 1 + 2 + 8. I ran them all. I also ran the Install node-red menu item too.

Screen Shot 2020-07-13 at 8.44.16 AM

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This image has been SUPER useful and has been running great for me on my Pi 4 Model B!
Thank you so very much.

I have a really dumb noobie question however.

I'd like to add Sonos HTTP API to my PI that has your image on it. While I know i can easily get the files on it, and "install --production" & "npm start", (or node server.js). The question I have is how can i make sure that this is running when this image reboots just like how NodeRed and Homebridge are running on reboot?

Thank you.

@aaiyar - any suggestions on the best way to force Sonos HTTP API running on a Raspberry Pi image?

Just chiming in for any other noobs, I ended up using pm2 for running and managing the node service for Sonos HTTP API .


So I've been running this for HomeBridge and for Sonos HTTP for a while, and it has been FANTASTIC.
Thanks you @csteele.

I'm about to plunge into the world of Node-Red soon, but just realized since I'm using the Homebridge Maker API version, and Node-Red uses Maker API... how do I tell Maker API to send to two different URLs?

e.g. for Homebridge I have URL to send device events to by POST set to:

Thanks for any suggestions

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You can have multiple instances of Maker API - one for Node-RED and one for Homebridge.


You can have multiple copies of MakerAPI.

Just Install a 2nd instance on MakerAPI and give it a 'better' name...

Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 12.51.02 PM


Thank you guys. That should have been obvious to me, my bad!
I think I'm so used to Parent/Child apps this didn't even run past my brain.
Thanks again!

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Just installed Homebridge on my RPi with Node-RED and wow - was able to get both Ring and Nest plugins working. HB is very cool and I don't even own any Apple products... will be playing around with the HB nodes and combining with HE stuff for extra fun sequence goodness. :grin:


@erktrek are you able to do Node -Red automations using both the ring and nest? It looks like it isn't very hard to set up on a RPI. Would you agree?

The way I added the integrations was by installing HomeBridge if that's what you mean. It was very easy to do on my RPi4. In addition installed the Homebridge Nodes on Node-RED which is also running on the same RPi4.

I have not had the time to play around with things yet beyond a simple debug node but it looks promising.. I can see some nice uses like activating my floodlight sirens or detecting when the Nest thinks we're away.

Here's a shot of my HB config node. You can see both Ring and Nest (Protects) devices available. The thermostats are further down that list.

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I have home bridge on a Rpi and node red on the same Rpi. I have the node-red-contrib-homebridge-automation nodes installed. I've got the Ring and Nest plug-in installed. The home bridge shows motion on the ring accessory. When I create a flow in node-red with an event node the motion isn't reflected. When I use the Status node and inject a request for status it will show motion. Am I missing some set-up thing with the event node? I want to use the Ring doorbell as a motion sensor for outside lights. Is my only option to just send a status request every ten seconds for the automation?


Why aren't you using the command node to send the status to a virtual device on HE?

That's interesting.. I have a similar setup except I am trapping the doorbell press to feed to my old Aoetec Siren 6. It seems to work okay for that event.

I'm using the HB-Event node..

Im only trying to see the motion reflected in a debug node, it doesn't show anything. When I look at the home bridge console it indicates motion.

I will use the command node if I can't get the event node to work, it seems like the event node is the way to start the automation, versus a inject node and a command node starting things.

So I just added the doorbell motion as a test.. here's what I got..

It seems to work for me..

Ok, I've done something wrong... go figure. any suggestions how I can troubleshoot this? I'm guessing its on the home bridge side. Since the command node works does that mean the integration is set up right?