Random with wait multiple switches , or all

I'm not seeing this in the app. is there a way i can do this between turning on switches ?

At 12:00 pm

turn on switch X
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn on switch X
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn on switch X
random wait + or - (value of time)


turn off switch X
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn off switch X
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn off switch X
random wait + or - (value of time)

You want to turn on the same switch 3 times then turn it off 3 times? Or are you trying to turn a light on and off 3 times? It isn't quite clear from what you posted here because if i read this it sounds like you want
On, On, On, Off, Off, Off with waits in between.

No Switch (X) can be any switch you want.

turn on switch 1
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn on switch 2
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn on switch 3
random wait + or - (value of time)


turn off switch 3
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn off switch 2
random wait + or - (value of time)

turn off switch 1
random wait + or - (value of time)

I removed the X's

Okay...why do you need a wait after turning the switch off?
Do you want each "random" to be unique or could it be
Turn on 1,2,3 + wait random + turn off 1,2,3?

Each line is random.... not sure how else to explain this..

Turn On - (switch 1) (random delay) (+ or -) (secs, min , hours, days)
Turn On - (switch 2) (random delay) (+ or -) (secs, min , hours, days)
Turn On - (switch 3) (random delay) (+ or -) (secs, min , hours, days)
Turn On - (switch 4) (random delay) (+ or -) (secs, min , hours, days)

I would suggest you need a number of rules to do this.
Use a condition or trigger to turn on light one after a random time.
Then turn on light 2 after a random time using light one turning on as a trigger.
Then turn on light 3 after a random time using light 2 turning on as a trigger.

Then work backwards using the same method for turning them off.

I'm not sure if this is what you are after.

Ok.. So is there a way to do this in 1 Condition or trigger instead of multiple ones?

Hi @wxmiked was this comment addresses to me?
Sorry, don't want to jump in if it's not. :blush:

Yes.. I apologize.

Not if you want each random to be unique. Each switch will need to be treated separately and you would have to do one rule and one action for each. Basically, you have one rule or triggered rule or trigger to turn the light on. Also, you will call to run an "Action". That action will be configured to wait plus random and turn off the switch. So, if you want to do the same thing for 4 devices you would need the trigger or triggered rule or rule to call 4 separate actions each configured to turn off a different device.
For example, this set will turn on the switch test and then turn it off between 5 and 10 minutes later.


As @Ryan780 has said you will need a rule for each step /light turn on.
It does sound like a pain but once set up, it should do what you want. (Maybe :wink: )

Personally I don't think you need to call another rules actions. I think you could put the turn on actions in each rule.

I was thinking down these lines.
You can put in random delays.



I see delay, not random.

I haven't looked hard. Just knocked something up quick to give you an idea of how you could do it.
Have a rummage around. If you cannot find it, come back.

I will.. Thank you.. I'm just looking for a simple way, yet efficient way of doing routines/ vacation routines.

The random is only available in the global delay. So, doesn't apply for his application. You have no random at all. If you want the off to be a random delay but not the on, you would need to trigger another action.

Did you look at what I posted? The random is there.

Yep, @Ryan780 will give you the random element you are after.

As an aside I have some rules for turning lights on and off when we are away.
It also turns on another light so it looks like we have moved into the hall and then the downstairs loo.
Is that the sort of thing you are trying to achieve?

Great idea.. didn't think of that,