Random Problems with small section of C5's is likely a QC issue at factory

I feel your pain


As I continue to read this topic the more it alludes to the crc issue being a faulty unit rather than commonplace and therefore not a potential solution to the slow downs many experience.

Which is nicely re-assuring but conversely in a way disappointing as a way forward to a fix...

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Like i said previously, i don't think this is responsible for slowdowns in general, just maybe a specific and small subset of C-5s.

If you are connecting at 100F without needing the fix or manually forcing, and are not presenting CRC errors than no you are not affected by the issue I was, so its back to trying the other potential fixes. Earlier someone mentioned that soft resets and restores fix the slowdowns for a few days at a time for them, not ideal but a potential band-aide to try

I couldn't find a page which had crc errors on only the image, bad packets

bad packets would be packets having crc errors so your good. Id still replace that flat cable to negate any potential issues of future interference though :wink: