So, I was getting some weirdness from my CT-50 thermostat, running the "Generic Z-Wave Thermostat" driver, and I emailed the Radio Thermostat company, looking for help. When I changed the setpoint using the LCD panel from "60F" to "62F", the setpoint showed as "70F".
The Hubitat here was doing nothing but logging. No rules, no manual settings from the device page, all the config and set-up was done using the LCD panel with manual in hand. The Z-wave card is plugged in, the WiFi is not, as WiFi needs the 24-Volt wire to run.
Here was the reply from Radio Thermostat:
The CT50 does not support the Z-wave module. So that is why it is doing strange things.
But, to quote Galileo: "Eppur si muove"
I can SEE the damn thing working just fine, reporting data, being sensible, and now that I have loaded up the CT-101 driver suggested in another forum thread as appropriate for the CT-50, I even see that commands from the device page work just fine.
So, what the heck is "Rene" from Radio Thermostat smoking, and can we get some of that?
How could any device driver wade in and mess with something the user is doing from the local device control panel? That's not just silly, its stupid.
Logs below, just to prove its working "jes fine".
dev:4892020-11-03 06:22:44.331 pm infoThermostat temperature is 61.0°F
dev:4892020-11-03 06:22:44.325 pm debugcmd:SensorMultilevelReport(precision:1, scale:1, sensorType:1, sensorValue:[2, 98], size:2, scaledSensorValue:61.0), desc:zw device: 12, command: 3105, payload: 01 2A 02 62 , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:22:44.248 pm debugcmd:ThermostatSetpointReport(setpointType:1, precision:0, scale:1, size:1, value:[62], scaledValue:62), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4303, payload: 01 09 3E , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:06.468 pm infoThermostat mode is heat
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:06.465 pm debugcmd:ThermostatModeReport(mode:1), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4003, payload: 01 , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:05.154 pm infoThermostat is idle
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:05.149 pm debugcmd:ThermostatOperatingStateReport(operatingState:0), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4203, payload: 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:04.263 pm debugcmd:ThermostatSetpointReport(setpointType:2, precision:0, scale:1, size:1, value:[78], scaledValue:78), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4303, payload: 02 09 4E , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:03.578 pm infoThermostat thermostatSetpoint was set to 62°F
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:03.575 pm infoThermostat heatingSetpoint was set to 62°F
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:03.560 pm debugcmd:ThermostatSetpointReport(setpointType:1, precision:0, scale:1, size:1, value:[62], scaledValue:62), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4303, payload: 01 09 3E , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:03.231 pm infoThermostat battery is 1%
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:03.193 pm debugcmd:BatteryReport(batteryLevel:0), desc:zw device: 12, command: 8003, payload: 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:14:01.318 pm inforefresh...
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:46.767 pm infoThermostat fan is auto
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:46.755 pm debugcmd:ThermostatFanModeReport(fanMode:0), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4403, payload: 00 , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:45.069 pm infoThermostat mode is heat
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:45.063 pm debugcmd:ThermostatModeReport(mode:1), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4003, payload: 01 , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:45.002 pm tracefanAuto()
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:45.001 pm tracesetThermostatFanMode(auto)
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:42.354 pm traceheat()
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:42.345 pm tracesetThermostatMode(heat)
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:29.197 pm debugcmd:ThermostatSetpointReport(setpointType:1, precision:0, scale:1, size:1, value:[62], scaledValue:62), desc:zw device: 12, command: 4303, payload: 01 09 3E , isMulticast: false
dev:4892020-11-03 06:13:26.963 pm tracesetHeatingSetpoint(62)
dev:4892020-11-03 06:12:08.739 pm warndescription logging is: true
dev:4892020-11-03 06:12:08.738 pm warndebug logging is: true
dev:4892020-11-03 06:12:08.735 pm infoupdated...
dev:4892020-11-03 05:17:42.132 pm infoThermostat temperature is 62°F
dev:4892020-11-03 05:17:42.109 pm infoThermostat temperature is 62°F
dev:4892020-11-03 05:17:41.753 pm infoThermostat thermostatOperatingState is idle
dev:4892020-11-03 05:17:40.852 pm infoThermostat temperature is 62°F
dev:4892020-11-03 05:17:39.177 pm debugpollDevice()...
dev:4892020-11-03 03:53:44.506 pm infoThermostat temperature is 62°F