Rachio Sprinkler Automation

Has anyone else been able to write any automations with the Rachio App? It always used to work great and I notice lately that it has received several upgrades over recent weeks. Parameters like the switch, valve and watering and meaningless now and their values no longer follow at all what the system is doing. About all I can do in terms of automations is to execute a "start-zone" and let it run to conclusion. I no longer have any way to determine if watering actually stopped or if it started at all. Has Rachio lost their minds lately or is this automation just no longer viable? Has anyone had any luck with this. This year all my automations that had worked for the last few years just stopped working. All I can do is turn a zone on and pray it turns off after the elapsed zone timer. I can't tell what is running, if it is running or reliably turn it off if it is running.

Are you using the built-in Rachio app or the community version?

The community version.

I have been using the Rachio app for a few years now. Updated app June 26, 2024 to v4.18.3. I have been very happy with the app. I have not experienced the difficulties you mention.

I have not seen anyone else mention the trouble you are having. I recommend that you post in the thread for the community version, detailing the problem, preferably with logs, so that others can help address the problem.

I also recommend to refrain from remarks like “has Rachio lost their minds”. The community version is written (for free) by members of the community, not Rachio, and provided to you (for free) to enhance this platform as part of an open source community. Suggesting that the providers of the community version have “lost their minds” is bad form in this context and is not likely to encourage others to provide assistance to you.